EHA Airport Ground Lights
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EHA Airport Ground Lights - 1

EHA-ALS : APPROACH LIGHT EHA-RTHL : RUNWAY THRESHOLD LIGHT EHA-RENL : RUNWAY END LIGHT EHA-WBAR : RUNWAY WING BAR LIGHT Compliance with standards ICAO : Annex14 Para 5.3.4/10/11 IEC : 61827 FAA : AC 150/5345-46,E-982, L-860E K S : KS W 5031 (Korean Standard) The EHA is a multifunctional elevated light used for several applications such as: • Precision Approach Lighting Category I, II and III, white and red • Threshold and Threshold Wingbar Lighting Category I, II and III » Runway End lighting The complete fitting consists of a light head housing the optical components and the light body support which is made of die-cast aluminium for mounting on a 60mm outside diameter stem allowing azimuth and elevation angle adjustment up to 30°. The optical assembly consists of an anodised aluminium reflector, a prefocus tungsten halogen lamp and a heat resistant front glass with silicon gasket. The lamp is positioned and held in the reflector by a stainless steel bracket allowing relamping to be done from the rear side without the use of any tool. Features • Light body made of die casting aluminium coated with Aviation Yellow paint finish • Environmental friendly materials • Easy lamp replacement without need of tools • Choice of several mounting systems for ground mounting, pole mounting or installation on frangible approach structures • Light weight » Pre-focused optics eliminating the need for refocusing after maintenance • Long lamp life 1000 hours at full brilliancy

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EHA Airport Ground Lights - 2


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EHA Airport Ground Lights - 3

► Approach Centerline Light ► Approach Side Row Light ► Runway Threshold Light ► Runway Wing Bar Light

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EHA Airport Ground Lights - 4

Typical Mounting System Approach Lighting Systems unit m Simple Approach lighting Systems / Single source system; Barrette system

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EHA Airport Ground Lights - 5

Approach Lighting Systems

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EHA Airport Ground Lights - 6

ELEVATED UNIDIRECTIONAL HIGH INTENSITY LIGHT Ordering Code Model Name eha-alsi / ALS2 / rthl /renl / wbar Light Color 01: White 02: Red 03: Green No.of Leads i or 2 * Specifications and features in this catalogue are subject to change. ^YOUYANG AIRPORT LIGHTING EQUIPMENT INC. Head Office 738-2, Kwanyang-Dong, Dongan-Ku, Anyang City, Kyunggi-Do, Korea Tel : 82-31 -422-0021 Fax : 82-31 -424-6044 E-mail:

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Todos os catálogos e folhetos técnicos YOUYANG AIRPORT LIGHTING EQUIPMENT INC.

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  2. IMB

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  3. RDML

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  5. EHB

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  6. SFL2

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