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LDA/N - 1

LDA/N Aircraft Nitrogen Distributor is designed to replenish nitrogen installation with compressed nitrogen. Unit is adapted for air transport onboard CASA C-295 M or other tactical transport aircraft.LDA/N can be towed on airfield taxi ways and on roads of hardened or unhardened surface. Unit consists of: • enclosed main body comprising all systems and subassemblies required to carry out compression process, storage, purification and nitrogen distribution. The main body includes: bank of eight cylinders for compressed nitrogen, compressor and nitrogen instalation. Compressor is driven by electric engine. Electrical installation is powered by generator which is an integral unit element. Generator consists of engine with connected power producer. Initrogen installation enables: • filling unit gas cylinders from external source of nitrogen with no use of compressor (eg. with use of Aircraft Nitrogen Gasificator LGA/N), • filling unit gas cylinders from external source of nitrogen with use of compressor (eg. with use of bank of cylinders), • supplying nitrogen from gas cylinders with no use of compressor, • supplying nitrogen from gas cylinders with use of compressor, • pumping over nitrogen from one bank of cylinders to another. LDA/N is designed for air transport onboard CASA C-295 M or its equivalent. Unit can be towed on airfield taxi ways and on hardened or unhardened surface roads. Operating conditions: LDA/N distributor can be used in the open terrain under following operating conditions: operating temperature: -30°C - +55°C max relative humidity: 98% at temp. +25°C

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LDA/N - 2

Nitrogen instalation parameters: type of gas: technical nitrogen according to PN-91/L-0126 “dew point”with 0,1 MPa (760Hg) no more than -55°C output oxygen temperature with ambient temperature +50°C number of gas cylinders cylinder capacity compressor total operating time nitrogen reserve in gas cylinders bank at preessure of 35 MPa max working pressure safety valve opening pressure gas cylinder filling pressure compressor power efficiency (ambient +20°C, pressure of suction line 12MPa) Output nitrogen pressure: • adjustable regulation from 0 to 9,3 MPa • adjustable regulation from...

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Todos os catálogos e folhetos técnicos WCBKT S.A.

  1. BESKID-2M/Z

    2 Páginas

  2. BESKID-2M/K

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  3. STELLA - 100

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  4. Dehumidifiers

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  5. LSP/N

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  6. LGT/N

    2 Páginas

  7. LGA/N

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  8. LDT/N

    2 Páginas

  9. LDP/N

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  10. LZH/M

    2 Páginas

  11. STELLA

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  12. ATHOS

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