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Excertos do catálogo

Dehumidifiers - 1

Characteristics: Aircraft Air Dehumidifier LOP is designed to provide drained and heated air into the aircraft and its cargo spaces as well as helicopters. Usage of LOP for a short time before the start of the aircraft allows: • rapid delivery of warm air (with very low “dew point”) that affects fast humidity removal; • shortening the time needed to prepare the aircraft for take off; • reduce the risk of electronic failure; • rapid achievement of optimum operating parameters for the avionics; • improvement of the crew work comfort. LOP can be also used for effective dehumidification of storage facilities, powders, construction materials, moisture sensitive pharmaceuticals, electronics, field cookers, etc. Each LOP parameter (pressure, consumption, dehumidification capacity, time of operation) can be adjusted by the operator. In order to meet individual user requirements LOP can be additionally equipped with e.g.: Ethernet application that enables fast diagnosis of technical conditions via Internet. LOP is also equipped with distribution system of dry air through the two separate cables so that two compartments or cabins can be dehumidified at the same time. LOP is constructed on its own trailer and can be towed within the airport with maximum speed of 20 km/h. LOP is designed for the air transport by C-295 CASA aircraft and Mi-17 helicopters.

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Dehumidifiers - 2

• Dehumidification capacity (for air output parameters +20°C, 60%RH) 10 kg/h • Maximum pressure of delivered air 3000 Pa • Amount of dry air (for atmospheric air pressure 1013mbar, density 1,2 kg/ m3 with ambient temperature +20°C) 1450 NrrrVh Input parameters: Power supply from the mains: • 3 phase power supply • Maximum loading on single phase • Power cable length Power supply form the airport: • Airport power supply • Maximum loading on single phase with airport power supply • Socket Overall parameters: • Length (with tow bar /without tow bar) • Width • Height • Wheel...

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Todos os catálogos e folhetos técnicos WCBKT S.A.

  1. BESKID-2M/Z

    2 Páginas

  2. BESKID-2M/K

    2 Páginas

  3. STELLA - 100

    2 Páginas

  4. LSP/N

    2 Páginas

  5. LGT/N

    2 Páginas

  6. LGA/N

    2 Páginas

  7. LDT/N

    2 Páginas

  8. LDP/N

    2 Páginas

  9. LDA/N

    2 Páginas

  10. LZH/M

    2 Páginas

  11. STELLA

    2 Páginas

  12. ATHOS

    2 Páginas