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SMS - 1

High Performance Eigensolver Software SMS is a high performance software for calculating eigenvalues and eigenvectors during structural vibration analyses. Often the lowest natural frequencies of a finite element model are directly related to some performance index of the structure. Additionally, eigenvalue information is used to create a modal reduction of the structural model to reduce the cost of frequency response and/or transient dynamic analysis. Improving the performance of the eigensolution process has a beneficial effect on many analysis tasks. Vanderplaats Research & Development, Inc. (VR&D) provides the SMS eigensolver that dramatically reduces both the CPU and elapsed times for all ranges of problem sizes compared to the current state-of-the-art Lanczos algorithm. A multiprocessor implementation of SMS is available in the latest GENESIS release, as well as in the stand-alone product, VRAND/SMS. VRAND/SMS is a plug-in for MD Nastran (formally MSC NASTRAN from MSC.Software), and NX.NASTRAN (from Seimens PLM Software) that uses SMS to solve the eigenvalues and eigenvectors for structured solution sequences 103, 111, 112, and 200. • SMS allows eigensolutions to run from 2 to 5 times faster than the conventional Lanczos method on small to midsize problems and 5 to 10 times faster for large scale problems • SMS can perform eigensolutions on extremely large finite element models that are often unsolvable using Lanczos • Setting up the substructure scheme is completely encapsulated - all the user has to do is switch SMS on • SMS requires less disk space than conventional eigensolvers like Lanczos • SMS processes residual vectors when present (i.e. static augumentation modes) • VRAND/SMS can optionally calculate the modal damping matrix based on the reduced set of generalized modal coordinates. This speeds up processing for modal transient and frequency re

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SMS - 2

Other VR&D Products Available The SMS algorithm is an extension of the Craig-Bampton method for coupling substructures via Component Mode Synthesis (CMS). CMS extends static-condensation based substructures to dynamic analysis by partially accounting for the inertial loading of the substructures by way of a set of truncated, “component” or “fixed interface” modes. This technique has been widely used to manually reduce large eigenvalue problems to more manageable sizes. GENESIS - Structural Analysis & Optimization software The use of approximate results should not be troublesome to analysts...

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