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Excertos do catálogo

va-Q-plus - 1

va-Q pi us is one of our most advanced vacuumi nsul ati on panel s. 11 i s produced with our new povder technol ogy. The core of va-Q pi us is nade of i norgani c oxi des, up to 80%bei ng f un®d si I i ca and the rest I R and a snal I amount of organi c f i bres. It is non- contoust i bl e. CUr special povder technique and senii-autonati zati on process guarantee that va-Q pi us has a very low thernal conducti vi ty, contoi ned wth a I ong servi ce I i fe and excel I ent pri ce- perf ornance rati o. Cue to the producti on techni que used, va-Q pi us has a f I ange, whi ch can be used as gui dence for posi ti oni ng. The flanges can be refolded wth a special treatnent upon request. Thi s core nateri al can be reused and recycl ed. \teri os shapes are possi bl e, for exarrpl e cyl i ndri cal shapes tai I ored to the needs of our custoners. va-Q pi us can onl y be produced i n a seri es producti on. i cati ore Cue to i ts excel I ent i nsul ati on val ue and I ong servi ce I i f e, va-Q pi us can be used anywhere, where I i ttl e space i s avai I abl e but a hi gh thernal resi stance i s necessary. • Packaging/Transport (thernal noil ti use boxes and containers, etc.) • Automotive (trucks, tank containers, electric cars, etc.) • hbne appl i ances (refrigerator, freezer, water boiler, etc.) • Gonstructi on systens (facade cl addi ng sandwich panel s, etc.) •Technical devices (scientific nachi nes, etc.) ° Qeat perf or nance ratio ° \teri ous and f I exi bl e shapes avai I abl e

Abrir o catálogo na página 1
va-Q-plus - 2

° \fery I ong servi ce life ° Recyclable (core naterial) R'oduct [feta

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va-Q-plus - 3

(1) The naxi nal thi ckness of a panel depends on the si ze of the panel. The typi cal thi ckness i s between 8 mmand 30 mm The snal I er the panel, the snal I er the naxi noim thickness. Please contact us for your desi red panel di nensi ons. (2) Cue to thei r sped al nanufacturi ng process, va-Qpl us panel s are not i deal I y rectangul ar. The thi ckness at the edge i s sonewhat I ess than i n the centre. Al I di nensi ons, tol erances and i nsul ati on val ues refer to the i nsul ati ng area PI ease note: There are between 10 mmand 20 mmseans at al I si des of the panel. Al I f i gures...

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Todos os catálogos e folhetos técnicos Va-Q-tec AG

  1. va-Q-vip Floor

    4 Páginas

  2. va-Q-tainer XLx

    4 Páginas

  3. va-Q-case

    2 Páginas

  4. va-Q-box

    2 Páginas

  5. va-Q-bag

    2 Páginas

  6. va-Q-vip F-GGM

    2 Páginas

  7. va-Q-vip F-EPS

    3 Páginas

  8. va-Q-vip F

    3 Páginas

  9. va-Q-vip B

    3 Páginas

  10. va-Q-pur

    2 Páginas

  11. va-Q-mic

    2 Páginas

  12. va-Q-pro

    3 Páginas

  13. va-Q-vip

    2 Páginas