AR682 - 75 BHP
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AR682 - 75 BHP - 1

AR682 - 75 BHP ROTARY ENGINE FOR UAVs ENGINES LYNN LANE SHENSTONE LICHFIELD WS14 ODT UNITED KINGDOM TEL: +44 (0)1543 481819 FAX: +44 (0)1543 481393 The AR682 engine has been developed to power UAVs which have limitations on propeller diameter and thereby cannot use a reduction drive. It provides 75 BHP at 6000 rpm in an ultra-compact envelope. In 1994 this power unit with all accessories successfully completed a customer-witnessed 150 hour FAR 33-type endurance test. DESIGN FEATURES • Exceptionally high power to weight ratio. • Low Cross Sectional Area. • Economical fuel consumption • Low levels of vibration TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Engine Type: Capacity: Power Output: Weight: Direction of Rotation: Ignition System: Fuel Type: Specific Fuel Consumption: Reduction Drive Option: Twin rotor Wankel-type rotary engine. 294 CC per rotor. 75 BHP nominal at 6000 engine rpm. 51kg for full wet running installed assembly. As illustrated including 2 kW generator, throttle actuator, fuel pump and pressure regulator etc. Propeller not included. Anti-clockwise (looking at prop flange). Full duplicated 28V C.D. system with magnetic triggering firing twin spark plugs. R.F. shielded. AVGAS (100LL) or Regular grade (min 92 RON) Mogas automotive (leaded or unleaded). Typically 0.52 to 0.55lb/bhp/hr.(See overleaf for details). See AR682R data sheet. NOTE Certain design features of the engine are covered by British, U.S. and other foreign patents. SPECIALIST PROPULSION SYSTEMS

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AR682 - 75 BHP - 2


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