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LIRD - 1

COMPLIANCES ICAO: Annex 14 - Volume I Fig. A2-5 EASA: CS-ADR-DSN, Book 1, Fig. U-9 FAA: L-850B(L) AC150/5345-46 and EB No.67 IEC: TS 61827 NATO: STANAG 3316 CAA:CAP 168 IAAE: TP312 APPLICATIONS Touchdown Zone for ICAO CAT I, II and III, FAA and military runways BENEFITS • 60000 hours LED rated life at full intensity, but over 100000 hours in field operating conditions • In new installation, LED lights mean lower loads, lower size of CCRs and transformers, thus low life cycle costs • The light output is variable like a traditional halogen lamp, as indicated by the FAA "Engineering Briefing No.67" • Fully compatible with existing AFL infrastracture* • Designed with simplicity allowing longer maintenance intervals and fewer spare parts • No use of sealant to fix the prism in the dome thanks to customized gasket, making its replacement quick and easy • No optical adjustment after LED module or prism replacement • Valve for watertightness test after overhaul • Operating with any topology of CCRs designed in compliance with IEC or FAA requirements * For monitored fixtures, isolation transformer max size: 200VA PERFORMANCES • The electronic is strong-built and highly resistant to shock and vibration • Automatic adaptation to the frequency of the supply current • A surge protection device is provided in the electronics as required by the FAA "Engineering Briefing No.67" • Immediate detection of an internal fault • 6.35 mm protrusion strongly reduces vibrations to aircrafts and to light itself, increasing its lifetime • Dome smooth outer profile makes the light less sensitive to snowplough blades • Unidirectional, 8" dia. • Drop-forged dome and cast aluminium lower cover make the fitting sturdy, but lightweight too for ease handling in the field • Light output practically not affected by heavy rainfall thanks to the shallow channel in front of the prism window • O-Ring placed outside the dome to avoid dirt deposits between light and base • Protection degree: IP68 • Temperature range: -55°C to +55°C INSTALLATION • Suitable for 8" dia. bases • Adaptor ring for installation on 12" dia. bases • Specific tools available for easy and precise installation SOCEM a division of Energy Technology srl Via della ^olidarieta 2/1 40056 Valsamoggia (Bologna) - Italy Ph: +39 051 66 56 611 -

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LIRD - 2

POWER CONSUM TABLES POWER FACTOR , a division of Energy Technology srl Via della sjolidarieta 2/1 40056 Valsamoggia (Bologna) - Italy Ph: +39 051 66 56 611 -

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LIRD - 3 Toe-in*: R = Left L = Right S = Straight Mounting Assembly: 0 = No mounting Assembly R = Adaptor Ring 8”-12” dia. Monitoring: 0 = Without Monitoring M = With Monitoring Arctic Kit: 0 = Without Arctic Kit A = With Arctic Kit

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LIRD - 4

MAI N COMPONENTS OF THE LIGHT UNIT 1 Dome with prism and gaskets 3 O-Ring for lower cover 6 Lower cover with electronic, plug and valve 7 Valve for watertightness test 10 Prism holder gasket 12 Reflector with hardware 13 LED module with accessories 14 Lower cover gasket Refer to the relevant technical manual for the complete list of the available spare parts ACCESSORIES 315.1230 Base L-868 type, class IA, size B, 24" deep * 315.1420 Flange ring with pavement dam for L-868 base, size B, with O-Ring and bolts 152.5251 Shallow base, 8” dia., one cable lead,...

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Todos os catálogos e folhetos técnicos OCEM - Airfield lighting

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  3. AGLC

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  7. SO

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  23. LIRE

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