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LaserSnake2 - 1

LaserSnake2 Snake-arm robot and high-power laser integration Objectives & Business Case LS Feasibility Study: Integrated laser head ad snake-arm robot Building on the LaserSnake feasibility study, LaserSnake2 is a collaborative R&D project running from 2013 to 2016, combining robotics and lasers to create safe, cost efficient tools for nuclear decommissioning. Video of LaserSnake Feasibility Study Laser cutting head Snake-arm Robots Laser technology offers significant economic, technical and operational benefits compared to competing decommissioning technologies. Cuttings tools can be small, light weight, apply no contact force to the material being cut and are highly suitable for remote deployment. Image courtesy of Sellafield Ltd LaserSnake2 will develop two types of robot integrated with high power lasers – one for open access spaces (ex-situ) and one for confined spaces (insitu). Nuclear cell to be decommissioned Diffractive Optical Elements Diffractive Optical Elements are computergenerated holographic devices that can be used to transform high powered laser beams into virtually any shape. OC Robotics’ snake-arm robot Snake-arm robots are highly flexible robots ideal for working in confined and hazardous spaces. Snake-arm robots can be integrated with off-the-shelf or custom-designed tools to conduct a range of activities. Multi-pass laser cutting Diffractive Optical Elements LaserSnake2 trials and demonstrations will be world firsts, enabling substantial engagement with end users in the UK and in export markets. Trials & Demonstrations • Under-water laser cutting trials Submerged snake-arm robot trials An active demonstration of LaserSnake2 in a First Generation Reprocessing Plant at Sellafield Ex-situ laser cutting with an industrial robot, deployed in an active facility at Windscale Submerged snake-arm robot trials Integration trials LaserSnake2 is led by OC Robotics, and includes as partners TWI, the National Nuclear Laboratory, ULO Optics and Laser Optical Engineering. The project is part funded by the Technology Strategy Board, the Department for Energy and Climate Change, and the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority.

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LaserSnake2 - 2

LaserSnake2 Snake-arm robot and high-power laser integration DEVELOP LaserSnake2 – In-situ Laser Cutting of Nuclear Infrastructure Objective: Develop an ‘in-situ’ cutting tool, LaserSnake2 – combining a 4.5m (14.7’) long snake-arm robot with a fibre delivered laser process head. • Identified materials with optimum properties for a snake-arm robot with 4.5m (14.7’) horizontal reach and 10kg (22lbs) payload. Extensive operational testing to prove the integrity of snakearm robot hardware and software to validate the LaserSake2 safety case. 4.5m (14.7’) LaserSnake2 system designed and built....

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