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Aviva_C11000 - 1

C11000, Electrolytic Tough Pitch Copper is a hard drawn bus bar with high thermal and electrical conductivity. This material can be bent, soldered, drilled, riveted, and formed to almost any configuration. ETP Copper is available in round bar, squares, flat rectangular (bus bar), and certain profile shapes. TYPICAL USES SIZES AVAILABLE Electrical Busbars, Switch Gear, Stab Terminals, Conductors, Magnet Wire, Stranded Conductors, Wire, Electrical Terminals, Switches, Radio Parts, Contacts, Welding Fixtures, Ground Straps, Commutators Architecture Downspouts, Flashing, Roofing, Gutters, Building Fronts, Skylight Frames, Kitchen Countertops Automotive Gaskets, Radiators Builders Hardware Ball Floats, Butts, Rivets, Nails, Cotter Pins, Soldering Copper, Tacks, Nuts & Bolts Industrial Heat Exchangers, Pans, Vats, Road Bed Expansion Plates, Rotating Bands, Kettles, Chimney Cap Screens, Chlorine Cells, Pressure Vessels, Anodes, Chemical Process Equipment, Pipe Welding Dies, Back-up Welding Shoes, Printing Rolls, Plating Racks, Hooks Rectangles / Flat Bar Square Bar Round Bar Bus Tubes Sheets (Cold Rolled). Plates (Hot Rolled) 1/8” - 2” thick through 1/2” - 8” wide 1/4” - 4” square 3/16” - 15” diameter cut to size, up to 6” O.D. up to 1/4” thick max cut to size, up to 6” thick SIMILAR OR EQUIVALENT SPECS i- THE LEADING USA MANUFACTURER & MASTER DISTRIBUTER OF BRASS, BRONZE, COPPER ALLOYS & MACHINED PARTS /Pace 1/2/

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Aviva_C11000 - 2

Chemical Composition, Mechanical Requirements, Physical Properties PHySICAL PROPERTIES AVIVA Color Code The values listed on this document represent reasonable approximations suitable for general engineering use. Due to commercial variations in composition and to manufacturing limitations, they should not be used for specification purposes. See applicable A.S.T.M. Specification references. Mexico Sales Other Territories

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