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MultiX++ - 1

MultiX++ PAUT equipment for NDT application product line The MULTIX++ full parallel architecture provides uncompromised performance. Ideal to optimize inspection speed, MULTIX++ systems are able to drive up to 256 channels in parallel, including beam forming and 2D array probes. Usable directly with its dedicated software or remotely third-party applications. handled techniques STANDARD PHASED-ARRAY MultiX++ systems can perform electronic and/or linear scanning, Full Matrix Capture (FMC), pulse-echo, pitchcatch acquisitions with linear, matrix, TRL, personalized 2D… phased array probes with up to 256 elements. SAUL Designed for complex composite structure inspection, the Surface Adapting ULtrasound (SAUL) technique enables the inspection of components with varying geometries (fl at, concave, convex surfaces), using a unique configuration. SAUL is a development tool for experienced users aiming to design inspection procedures. SMART Smart flexible probes, co-designed by CEA and IMASONIC, are phased-array probes (linear or matrix) with a conformable front-face and real time profilometer. SMART is the M2M software plug-in that handles those probes. SMART provides real-time beam forming taking into account complex surfaces. FAST Natively included in the MultiX++ systems, this inspection mode optimizes parallel firing of multiple apertures (on the same or distinct probes). Ideal for inspection requiring speed and resolution. Moreover, the fastest inspection mode is available: it fires a full aperture in 1 shot and recreates electronic scanning in reception. The time necessary for this process is the time of a single shot. Ideal for inspection of thick structures demanding speed.

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MultiX++ - 2

A lot of the composite structures encountered in the aerospace industry have complex and variable geometries. Traditional ultrasound NDT requires either specific probes, specific coupling tools for each reference and/or high-resolution surface profilometer tools, making the whole process difficult to automate. Surface-Adapted Ultrasound (SAUL) is a new technique implemented for industry by M2M, that adds adaptability to any given phased-array probe.

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MultiX++ - 3

One advantage using a MultiX ++ full parallel system is the possibility to fire several apertures simultaneously on one or several probes improving greatly the productivity of an inspection. A carbon epoxy plate was inspected with a MultiX++ system using the new Multi2000 V8 version. Thanks to the parallel architecture of the MultiX++, two sub-apertures were fired in parallel with a 64-element probe. A substantial improvement (x2) of the inspection speed, up to 400mm/s, has been obtained with a pixel resolution of 0.5x0.5mm, including full A-Scan storage. Multi2000 V8 is linked directly to...

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MultiX++ - 4

acquisition Hardware acquisition gates, software gates, synchronization of gates Acquisition trigger on event (threshold, echo, etc.), acquisition on user-specified trigger (e.g., time, coder) phased-array Customized focusing, electronic scanning, sectorial scanning, full matrix capture (FMC) Pulse-echo and transmit-receive modes, DDF with dynamic aperture pulsers Adjustable voltage: 30 to 200V with 1V step Negative rectangular pulse Adjustable width: 30 ns to 625 ns, step of 2.5 ns receivers Bandwidth: 0.8 to 20MHz Adjustable gain on each channel from 0 to 80 dB Cross-talk between two...

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MultiX++ - 5

INDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONS M2M offers a wide range of advanced phased-array systems to meet the requirements of any customers. Multiplexed systems (Multi2000 and Pocket) offer the most cost-effective solutions while parallel architectures (MutiX++) provide uncompromised productivity performance. Stainless steel pipes 100% inspected, France. Thick pipes high speed inspection, France. Tube inspection, Germany. Weld pipe inspection, Germany. Welded and seamless tube inspection system, France. Immersion tank & automated inspection, Russia. Industrial system for composites inspection using SAUL...

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MultiX++ - 6

Heat exchanger tube inspection, India. M2M’s solutions are completely scalable with up to six systems that can be synchronized together. The systems can be used directly with a state-of-the-art acquisition software or remotely (SDK) through third-party applications. M2M offers a comprehensive suite of toolkits to help integrators quickly develop applications for their customers. Inline tube inspection, France. Tube inspection system, France. Aerospace Automotive Railway Energy Nuclear Oil & Gas Metallurgy Steel Actemium . AMData ATK . BIA . Clemessy Echo+ . ISQ Karl Deutsch . Marietta NDT...

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Todos os catálogos e folhetos técnicos M2M

  1. Multi 2000 pocket

    1 Páginas

  2. Multi2000

    1 Páginas

  3. MultiX LF

    1 Páginas

  4. MultiX

    1 Páginas

  5. GEKKO

    2 Páginas