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WAAS-GPS Accurate - 320 Mile Range - Easily Integrated Introducing the LandMark Model 8100 LandMark is the first stand-alone Class B TAWS to offer an optional WAAS-GPS sensor. With this accurate positioning information, the LandMark 8100 model powered with WAAS-GPS eliminates the need for multiple inputs from other aircraft sensors - simplifying the installation process. Just add your compatible display and you have everything needed to complete the installation. By operating autonomously, the LandMark 8100 provides the highest integrity terrain data without complicated GPS, ADC or...

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D I S P L AY O P T I O N S EFIS - RADAR - MFD Although Class B TAWS systems do not require a display, the LandMark TAWS 8100 and 8000 models have wide varieties of display interface options. Both systems display a continuous, color, birds-eye view of the terrain, obstacles and runways surrounding the aircraft on any of the following compatible displays: · ARINC 453 EFIS · Multi-Function Displays · ARINC 453 radar indicators · Radar indicators via the L-3 RGC350 Multi-Function Displays* Display options when using RGC350* Weather Radar Indicators Radar Indicators (compatible ARINC 453)*...

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Multiple Display Options - 4X Resolution - Economical LandMark Model 8000 The Original TAWS The LandMark model 8000 is one of the most cost effective ways to add TAWS to existing EFIS, MFD or Radar Indicators. Designed with late model or upgraded cockpits in mind, the LandMark 8000 utilizes compatible ADC and GPS inputs to provide accurate terrain data on your aircraft’s existing display. As one of the most affordable Class B TAWS, the LandMark 8000 economically satisfies the FAA mandate for turbine-powered aircraft. Both LandMark 8000 and 8100 models have been tested to 900 kts, assuring...

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R G C 350 Radar Graphics Computer Interfacing with the most popular radar indicators from Bendix/King, Collins and Honeywell/Sperry/RCA, the RGC350 lets you add L-3’s LandMark TAWS to your radar’s existing capabilities. In addition, SkyWatch®, SkyWatch® HP, or TCAS I traffic avoidance information along with the L-3 Stormscope® (WX-1000E 429 EFIS or WX-500) lightning detection data - can be added as overlays on your radar’s precipitation returns or configured as dedicated screens. Anyway it’s packaged, the RGC350 turns your radar into a true multi-function display. THE KEY TO TERRAIN...

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ALERTING MODES The LandMark Class B Terrain Awareness and Warning System incorporates five basic types of alerting modes to provide critical information in a timely manner. They include Forward Looking Terrain Avoidance (FLTA), Premature Descent, and CPWS Modes 1, 3 and 6. Although separate in their functionality, together these alert modes provide you with comprehensive and accurate situa- tional awareness to guide you safely to your destination. Forward Looking Terrain Avoidance (FLTA)>- FLTA includes warnings for Reduced Required Terrain Clearance and Imminent Terrain Impact (ITI) which...

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Todos os catálogos e folhetos técnicos L3 Technologies

  1. TCAS 3000SPTM

    4 Páginas

  2. PANTHR™

    2 Páginas

  3. LYNX® NGT-9000

    4 Páginas

  4. EFI-650

    2 Páginas

  5. FA2100 SERIES

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  6. ESI 500

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  7. AFIRS ™ 228

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  8. TCAS 3000SP ™

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  9. T3CAS ®

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  10. DASU

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  11. FA5000 MADRAS

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  12. FA5001 CVDR

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  13. FA2100 CVDR

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