Eagle PRM Awareness
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Eagle PRM Awareness - 1

eagle prm - people with REDUCED MOBILITY BASED TRAINING (CBT) Article 11 of the EC Regulation 1107/2006 states the new criteria for air carriers and airport managing bodies: ■ To ensure that all personnel providing direct assistance to disabled persons and persons of reduced mobility have knowledge of how to meet the needs of persons having various disabilities or mobility impairments; ■ Provide disability-equality and disability-awareness training to all personnel working at the airport who deal directly with the traveling public; and ■ Ensure that, upon recruitment, all new employees attend disability-related training and that personnel receive refresher training courses when appropriate. SOLUTION To meet the requirements of the EC Regulation, ICTS Europe Systems has developed 2 training modules delivered on Eagle CBT for use in training on awareness to the needs of people with reduced mobility. a^eogle disability Awareness 1 eagle Disability Awareness - Guiding Principles Passengers with cognitive or mental disabilities: The aim of this courseware: To famlliarire airport staff with EU Regulatory requirements when serving the needs of disabled persons and persons with reduced mobility

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Eagle PRM Awareness - 2

eagle praa - people with REDUCED MOBILITY BASED TRAINING (CBT) ■ Flexibility - 2 specific modules: one for security staff and the other for general employees focused on customer service ■ Full solution - Provides both basic awareness training for new employees, and refresher training to existing staff ■ Interactive - Engaging learning experience, with use of live examples, full narration, and multimedia ■ Reporting system to track employee performance ■ Full Certification feature - For employees who complete the training to comply in audits BENEFITS eoc^e Disability Awareness • Guiding...

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