Genesys Aerosystems System 65
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Genesys Aerosystems System 65 - 1

High Performance Control Wheel Steering CoMPACT FOOTPRINT OPTIONAL GPS Roll Steering System Sixty-Five High-performance, two-axis (roll and pitch) autopilot with a pedestal-mounted mode selector/programmer, and a remote annunciator High Performance: Fully IFR-capable, with nav and glide slope intercepts that make it ideal for approaches. Control Wheel Steering: Hand-fly aircraft and then let the autopilot take over to hold the existing turn rate and vertical speed. Compact Footprint: Ideal solution when panel/radio rack space is at a premium. Optional GPS Roll Steering: Extremely accurate, hands-off GPS navigation. Advanced features • eading preselect & hold H • Altitude hold with altitude trim • Course intercept capability • NAV mode • Dual Mode - HDG/NAV • OR/LOC/GS/REV/GPS coupling with V automatic gain levels • OR/LOC/GS/REV/GPS course deviation V and NAV flag warning •

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Genesys Aerosystems System 65 - 2

Copyright © 2014 Genesys Aerosystems. All rights reserved. System Sixty-Five High-performance, two-axis (roll and pitch) autopilot with a pedestal-mounted mode selector/programmer, and remote annunciator 1 emote, panel-mounted annunciator. Provides complete information on all R modes of operation, including failure warnings. Annunciates 3-level gain scheduling for enroute course intercept and tracking; NAV/CAP indicates maximum sensitivity for course capture, NAV/CAP and SOFT for medium sensitivity to establish track and crosswind correction, and NAV/SOFT for lowest level for smooth enroute...

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  3. GPS-WAAS Receiver

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  5. SA-200

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  6. ST-360

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  7. GPS Steering

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  8. Yaw Damper

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  9. HeliSAS

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  10. System 40/50

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