Catalog excerpts

roxspur.com Pressure Sensit Trident Series Submersible Level-Depth Transmitter Product Data Sheet DS2801 The Sensit Trident Series Level/Depth Transmitter is a temperature compensated pressure transmitter designed for the measurement of liquid level in many applications, such as pump testing, reservoir, borehole, river and tank levels. The unit is of welded construction and is ideal for even the most onerous of applications. • Lightning protection as standard • Superb chemical and corrosion resistance • Excellent linearity • Wide operational & compensated temperature range • Rugged construction • Excellent long term stability • CE Compliant Pressure Ranges Power Supply Output Zero and Span Setting Non Linearity, Hysteresis & Repeatability (NLH) Compensated Temp Operating Temp Thermal Effects Zero: Span: Safe Over-range Burst Pressure Long Term Stability EMC Protection Electrical Connection Wetted Materials Available from 1mWG to 200mWG (>200mWG possible, on request). Absolute version available from 5mWG (>5mWG possible, on request). 10 to 32Vdc 4 to 20mA (two wire) +1% of span <+0.25% of span 0°C to 60°C -10°C to 60°C <+0.015% span/°C <+0.015% reading/°C typical 1.5 x rated range minimum 3 x rated range minimum 0.1% span/12 months Compliant to latest EMC standards PUR vented cable 316L stainless steel, alumina ceramic, polyurethane, acetal and Viton O-ring Options • Materials: duplex stainless steel • O-ring materials: nitrile, others available • Output: active mV/voltage • Calibrated ranges: bar, psi or liquid depth (SG to be specified) • NL&H : <±0.1% of span • Intrinsically safe to EEx ia IIC T4 (mA only) • Cost effective stainless steel gland
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Moulded Material Polyurethane CASE & COVER MATERIALS 316L ST ST (Duplex Steel also available) 4 Core Cable with Vent Tube & Kevlar Strain Relief Submersible transducers and transmitters must be installed to the RM&C recommended method, please contact the Bramley sales office on +44 (0)1256 884900 for details) Every effort has been made during the preparation of this document to ensure the accuracy of statements and specifications. However, we do not accept liability for damage, injury, loss or expense caused by errors or omissions made. We reserve the right to withdraw or amend products or...
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Mini Flow Switch (V10)
1 Pages
Multi Spot Thermometers
2 Pages
2 Pages
Model 405 Series
3 Pages