Catalog excerpts

CRITICAL VISION TECHNOLOGY Trakkabeam® A800 ACCESSORIES HAND GRIP CONTROLLER NVG friendly Back Lighting Provides the operator with complete operational control of the searchlight and all of it’s capabilities Light weight One hand operation left or right handed 7-segment display to provide system status Optional Laser switch (simple hardware) Facia is dimmable (via rear switch) Day/Night selection for brightness of status indicator TRAKKA CONTROL PANEL Provides all Hand grip controller operational capabilities to the pilot and co-pilot Searchlight directional control via interface to collective or cyclic 4 way or 8 way (analogue) switches NVG Compliant 3 way user selectable (Pilot/Co-Pilot or Crew) LED visual display for visual feedback (English) Lamp On and IF Filter indication (Simple Hardware) Dimmable via cockpit 0-5V, 0-28V or 28PWM analogue input Day/Night/NVG selectable Optional integrated joystick Optional Laser Switch (Simple Hardware) Arm switch to disable lamp for additional safety DZUS Mounted FILTERS FOR INCREASED OPERATIONAL CAPABILITIES Infrared in 820, 880 and 920nm NVIS friendly white light when visible light is required during aircraft NVG mode Amber 480 to 500nm, Cuts through smoke, moisture and vegetation, less visual feedback, better colour definition & contrast. Good for close-in and long range operations Red glow 680nm, best for close-in work such as winching operations. Reduces loss of night vision. Less vertigo for ground crew, Has IR signature for working with, or without NVG’s
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CONTROL INTERFACE UNIT (CIU) Interfaces with existing cyclic or collective 4 way witches hat controls Optional 8 way switch (analogue) joystick inputs Allows for custom cockpit inputs of all functions available (eg, stow, deploy, filter change, zoom, searchlight dim) Interface to Hand Grip Controller (this can be disabled via a discrete input) Six relay annunciators, three can be configured as simple hardware for annunciation of IR Mode, Lamp On and Laser On NVG Mode inputs which can prevent visible light from being selected. Visible Mode inputs which can prevent IR filter being selected....
Open the catalog to page 2All Trakka Systems catalogs and technical brochures
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1 Pages
1 Pages
1 Pages
1 Pages
The M800 Searchlight
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The A800M Searchlight
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2 Pages
2 Pages
2 Pages
TrakkaCam IOS
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SWE-400 LE
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SWE-300 LE
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SWE-200 LE
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A800 STC
1 Pages
2 Pages
The A800
2 Pages