Catalog excerpts

TIMETAL® 230 COLD FORMABLE M E D I U M - S T R E N G T H ALLOY TIMETAL 230, a binary alloy containing 2.5% copper, combines the formability and weldability of unalloyed titanium with improved mechanical properties, particularly at elevated temperatures. The alloy can be used at temperatures up to 660°F (350°C), and is used in the annealed condition as sheet, for gings and extrusions for fabricating components such as bypass ducts of gas-turbine engines. Its use spread to the airframe industry, following the development of an ageing treatment which raises room-temperature tensile properties by about 25%, and nearly doubles the elevated temperature properties. Such a material is particularly attractive since it can be formed in the soft condition, thus lowering fabrication costs. HEAT TREATMENT Anneal Solution Heat Treatment Aging Heat Treatment 1454°F (790°C) 1 hour / Air Cool 1481°F (805°C) 1 hour / Rapid Air Cool 752°F (400°C) 8-24 hours / Air Cool + GUARANTEED MINIMUM MECHANICAL PROPERTIES UTS 0.2% YS Elongation Reduction Bend Condition ksi (MPa) ksi (MPa) % in Area % Radius
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Ultimate Fatigue Limit Tensile Strength 107 Cycles Fatigue Condition ksi (MPa) ksi (MPa) Ratio Direct Stress Annealed Aged Aged Kt=3.3 The data and other information contained herein are derived from a variety of sources which TIMET believes are reliable. Because it is not possible to anticipate specific uses and operating conditions, TIMET urges you to consult with our technical service personnel on your particular applications. For more information, please contact the TIMET Sales Office/Service Center nearest you, TIMET's Technical Laboratories or TIMET's Website @ www.timet.com...
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TIMETAL ® 10-2-3
2 Pages
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4 Pages
TIMETAL ® Grade 12
2 Pages
2 Pages
2 Pages
2 Pages
2 Pages