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Remote Client Utility Software Tel-Instrument Electronics Corp Remote Client Software The Tel-Instrument Electronics Corp. new Remote Client Software utility allows the operator to utilize and control the AN/USM-708, AN/USM -719 & TR-420 plus the TS-4530A and our new T-47M5 Test Sets utilizing your Windows® computer or laptop and offers expanded and detailed test results not available on the standard Test Set display. - Currently tests Transponders, Interrogators using a standard computer interface Expanded testing of ADS-B to a detail level Continous Recording and Logging of all data SIF, Mode S, Mode 4 and Mode 5 and ADS-B comprehensive results Supports continuous test options and configurations Save to your PC and then print your test results Simple and Easy to understand user interface EXPORT CONTROL WARNING: This product is controlled for export under the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR). A license from the U.S. Department of State is required prior to the export of this product from the United States. {loadposition rcutility}

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All Tel-Instruments (TIC) catalogs and technical brochures

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