Ti64 - 45/15
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Catalog excerpts

Ti64 - 45/15 - 1

Our unique plasma atomization process produces a highly spherical Titanium alloy powder, which combines high packing density and excellent flowing properties. Our spherical Ti64 powder is the material of choice for Additive Manufacturing and Metal Injection Moulding. Our -45 +15pm Ti-6Al-4V powder is also compatible with the most demanding industrial markets.

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Ti64 - 45/15 - 2

Typical Properties Particle Size Distribution Size (μm) +45 Laser scattering (Microtrac) D10 Chemistry Titanium Industries Aerospace Applications Additive manufacturing Thermal Spray about tekna Tekna is the world leader in induction plasma technology and manufacturing turnkey systems. With 25 years of industrial experience Tekna is able to offer the power of inductive plasma technology to manufacture high value materials in commercial quantities and to the highest quality standards. MANUFACTURED BY TEKNA ADVANCED MATERIALS INC. AN ISO 9001:2008 CERTIFIED COMPANY. 2895 INDUSTRIAL BLVD.,...

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  1. Ti64 - 53/20

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