Catalog excerpts

VHF Arctic Grade AntennaModel D8076 The TACO Model D8000 series antennas are vertically polarized omni-directional antennas. The D8000 series are specifically designed to minimize ice accretion on the antenna surface while providing exceptional performance throughout the frequency band ranging 118-137 MHz. The internal components of the antenna are enclosed in a fiberglass radome, ultimately resulting in a lightweight, low profile, rugged communications antenna. Features • Independant lab testing shows an 18% reduction in ice accretion • Rugged lightweight construction • Enclosed in fiberglass radome • Metal base with DC ground attachment ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS GAIN & VSWR WIND LOAD SPECIFICATIONS FREQUENCY RANGE TACO Antenna’s ongoing policy of continuing development may result in specification changes to its products. TELEPHONE TACO ANTENNA EMAIL United States: 866.975.4433 (A division of Wade Antenna, Inc.) United States: sales@tacoantenna.com Canada: 519.756.7157 29 Sharp Road, Brantford, Ontario Canada: cansales@tacoantenna.com Europe: (+44)07765.583491 Canada N3T 5L8 Europe: jbarton@tacoantenna.com All Other Regions: 717.975.0885 www.tacoantenna.com All Other Regions: sales@tacoantenna.com
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