Catalog excerpts

Fortus 900mc Designed and built for size, throughput, precision and repeatability. The Fortus 900mc™ is the most precise and powerful FDM system available. With the largest build size of any Fortus® system, the Fortus 900mc is designed to handle the most demanding manufacturing needs. The accuracy, repeatability and predictability are unmatched, and the control software leverages the system’s hardware to deliver superior throughput and reliability. The Fortus 900mc uses engineering-grade thermoplastics to build robust production parts, jigs, fixtures, factory tooling and functional prototypes. Large parts are printed fast with the standard, large T40A tip to help meet production demands with ease. The Fortus 900mc offers a streamlined workflow and easier job monitoring with an internal camera and GrabCAD Print™. Standard certifications are included and reduce workload to qualify 3D printers for a production floor.
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Fortus 900mc System Specifications At the core: Advanced FDM technology SYSTEM CONFIGURATION Fortus systems are based on builds parts in production-grade thermoplastics, enabling the most 914.4 x 609.6 x 914.4 mm (36 x 24 x 36 in.) Platen supports two build zones for either a small or large build sheet Material Delivery Two build material canisters 1508 cc (92 in.3) Two support material canisters 1508 cc (92 in.3) Auto changeover between canisters durable parts. MATERIAL OPTIONS Fortus systems use a wide range of thermoplastics with advanced mechanical properties so your parts can endure...
Open the catalog to page 2All STRATASYS GMBH catalogs and technical brochures
2 Pages
Objet1000 Plus
2 Pages
The Stratasys F123 Series
4 Pages
Fortus® 380/450mc
21 Pages
uPrint® SE/uPrint® SE Plus
12 Pages
J750 spec sheet
4 Pages