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cpcI SERIES - 1

smiths connectors cPCI SERIES Ruggedized cPCI (2 mm) Connectors HYPERTAC SABRITEC

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cpcI SERIES - 2

HYPERBOLOID TECHNOLOGY Smiths Connectors offers an extensive range of superior contact technologies suitable for standard and custom solutions. Hypertac® (HYPERboloid conTACT) is the original superior performing hyperboloid contact technology designed for use in all applications and in harsh and demanding environments where high reliability and safety are critical. The inherent electrical and mechanical characteristics of the Hypertac hyperboloid contact ensures unrivalled performance in terms of reliability, number of mating cycles, low contact force and minimal contact resistance. The...

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cpcI SERIES - 3

cPCI SERIES FEATURES Rugged implementation of the Compact PCI Standard Meets cPCI mechanical footprint and electrical performance specifications ►► Reverse gender of commercial 2 mm products Modular design for standard 3U/6U configurations Highly optimized connector design for high speed data rates, impedance matching and minimal losses ►► Fully interchangeable with COTS systems ►► Physical hole pattern in accordance with cPCI PICMG 2.0 ►► Contact identification in accordance with IEC 1076-4 101 Reliable Hypertac® contact technology Hi-Rel and NASA GSFC qualified versions ►► Field proven...

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cpcI SERIES - 4

smiths connectors cPCI SERIES TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS 3U/6U Form Factor Part Number Design Criteria Quality Conformance Inspections Contact Gender Contact Spacing Number of Contacts Max. Allowable Gap (Between Mating Connectors) Suggested PCB Hole Diameter Contact Termination Insulation Contact Mating Contact Sold tail: 63/37 tin lead plated Gold or 63/37 tin lead dipped 16.38/13.20 LBF average per mating connect pair > 4,000 per mated connector pair Frequency 10 to 2,000 HZ at 15 G (MIL-DTL-55302)(NASA GSFC S311-P-822) Fight chassis unit level vibration (NASA Goddard SE Rev 1) 100 G peak...

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cpcI SERIES - 5

cPCI SERIES smiths connectors ► 2 MM CONNECTOR Mated Pair

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cpcI SERIES - 6

cPCI SERIES smiths connectors► K2A MALE Part Number K2A110FMDTBH COMPONENT SIDE OF PCB 25a @@©@®@@®@@© ®@®®®®®®®@® ®®®®®®®®®@® ®®@®®®®®®®® ®®®®®®®®®@® ®@®@®®®®®®® ®®@®®®®@®®® 0.394 [10.00] Notes: 1) Reference ordering information for additional termination length option

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cpcI SERIES - 7

cPCI SERIES smiths connectors► K2B MALEPart Numbers K2B095FMD & K2B110FMD component side of pcb PART NUMBER ► K2BFEMALEPart Numbers K2B095FFD & K2B110FFD component side of pcb if TOTOTOMMTOMMMMM^ ooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooo PART NUMBER Notes: 1) Reference ordering information for additional termination length options Dimensions are in inches [mm]

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cpcI SERIES - 8

cPCI SERIES smiths connectors ADAPTERS & FIXTURES Simple Interfaces for Commercial Test Equipment ► ZK2 SOLDER FIXTURES ZK2 Series solder fixtures prove an economical method for stabilizing the socket contact during the hand soldering and reflow solder process for backplane connectors. ALIGNMENT TOOL WORK INSTRUCTIONS X? TOi Standard 6U cPCI backplane Standard 6U cPCI daughtercard

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cpcI SERIES - 9

K2 Mated TEST Adapter Part Number K2XXX-0001 Designed to mate a COTS daughter board connector to a Smiths Connectors’ mother board connector. SC MOTHER BOARD CONNECTOR COMMERCIAL DAUGHTER BOARD CONNECTOR

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cpcI SERIES - 10

cPCI SERIES smiths connectors► K2 MATED TEST ADAPTERPart Number K2XXX-0002 Designed to mate a COTS mother board connector to a Smiths Connectors' daughter board connector. SC K2XXX-002 COMMERCIAL MOTHER ADAPTER ASSEMBLY OBOOOBQOOOOOOOBOOOOOOO □□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□DO OBOOOBQOOOOOOOBOOOOOOO □□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□DO nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnigi □□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□ □□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□ □□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□ □□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□ dddddddddpidddddddpqi

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cpcI SERIES - 11

cPCI SERIES smiths connectors Options Available Material: 30% glass filled LCP (meets NASA outgassing requirements) Color: Natural MATCHING CODES PART NUMBER HYPERTAC rJTSKa“«riai SASRITEC

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cpcI SERIES - 12

cPCI SERIES PROPAGATION DELAY AND SKEW Propagation delay through the intrinsic connector assembly is estimated by making a measurement on the reflected signal received on the same broadband fixture that is used to obtain the full vector scattering parameters. In these measurements, there is no inclusion of any other pin lengths other than what is within the intrinsic connector. Propagation Delay (ps) Skew (ps) Maximum Data Rate Notes: 1) Pattern illustrated in the figure on next page was used in the S-parameter and cross talk measurements. 2) Please refer to the full characterization test...

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cpcI SERIES - 13

cPCI SERIES Connector Eye Pattern Diagram(1)(2) 622 Mb/s Inclusion of Near End Cross Talk Inclusion of Near End Cross Talk Differential Pairs Notes: 1) Pattern illustrated in the figure on next page was used in the S-parameter and cross talk measurements. 2) Please refer to the full characterization test report for details. Dimensions are in inches [mm]

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cpcI SERIES - 14

cPCI SERIES smiths connectors 1 CONNECTOR FAMILY'1' [Fixed] K2|2 mm cPCI SERIES 2 CONNECTOR STYLE'2' (Per IEC 1076-4-101) AwITH MULTI-PURPOSE CENTER (MPC; polarization feature) BwITHOUT MPC NUMBER OF SIGNAL PINS 4 NUMBER OF ROwS [Fixed] FtOP SHIELD (6 row) 5 contact gender Mmale daughtercard Ffemale backplane 6 STRAIGHT DIp Solder 50 ^in GOLD OVER NICKEL (mating surface only) OTHER SURFACES GOLD FLASH OVER NICKEL (female contacts only) TBH SAME AS TAH WITH TIN/LEAD (63/67) OVER NICKEL ON CONTACT TERMINATIONS (female contacts only) SAME AS TH WITH TIN/LEAD (63/67) OVER NICKEL ON CONTACT...

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cpcI SERIES - 15

cPCI SERIES smiths connectors HOW TO ORDER | NASA GODDARD 3 1 1 P8 2 2 1 GODDARD DESIGNATOR*1* [Fixed]2 CONNECTOR GENDER MC|male connector F C|female connector MA|male adapter FA|female adapter female-to-female adapter F FA NUMBER OF CONTACTS 1 1 0 095 110 CONTACTS 95 CONTACTS 4 connector style A|wITH MULTI-PURPOSE CENTER (MPC; polarization feature) Bwithout mpc SOLDER TAIL FINISH Ggold flash over nickel S|63/37 TINE/LEAD SOLDER OVER NICKEL SOLDER TAIL length BACKPLANE CONNECTOR TAIL LENGTH Notes: 1) Quality Conformance Inspection: NASA GSFC S-311-P-822 Table II Dimensions are in inches...

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