Catalog excerpts

AIR TURQUDI5E 5A I PARA-TE5T.COM Route du Pre-au-Comte 0 * CH-1B44 Villeneuve * .41(0)21965 65 65 Test laboratory for paragliders, paraglider harnesses and paraglider reserve parachutes Manufacturer Address Sky Paragliders a.s. Okruzm 39 73911 Frydlant nad Ostravici Czech Republic Certification number Date of flight test Glider model Serial number Trimmer Folding lines used Bi 4 2 2257-11-1209 yes: closed no Test pilot Harness Harness to risers distance (cm) Distance between risers (cm) Total weight in flight (kg) Classification Representative Place of test Thurnheer Claude Advance - Bi pro 2 44 55 120 1. Inflation/Take-off Rising behaviour Special take off technique required Smooth, easy and constant rising 2. Landing Special landing technique required 3. Speed in straight flight Trim speed more than 30 km/h Speed range using the controls larger than 10 km/h Minimum speed Max. weight in flight up to 80 kg Symmetric control pressure/travel not available 0 not available 0 Max. weight in flight 80 kg to 100 kg Symmetric control pressure/travel not available 0 not available 0 Max. weight in flight greater than 100 kg Symmetric control pressure/travel Increasing / greater than 65 cm A Increasing /greater than 65 cm A 5. Pitch stability exiting accelerated flight 0 Dive forward angle on exit not available 0 not available 0 Collapse occurs not available 0 not available 0 6. Pitch stability operating controls during accelerated 0 flight Collapse occurs not available 0 not available 0 7. Roll stability and damping A Oscillations Reducing A Reducing A 8. Stability in gentle spirals Tendency to return to straight flight 9. Behaviour exiting a fully developed spiral dive Initial response of glider (first 180°) Tendency to return to straight flight Spontaneous exit A Spontaneous exit A Immediate reduction of rate of A Immediate reduction of rate of turn A turn Spontaneous exit (g force A Spontaneous exit (g force A decreasing, rate of turn decreasing, rate of turn decreasing) Test Report generated automatically by AIR TURQUOISE SA, valid without signature // GB | REV 04 | 07.06.2016 // ISO | 71.8.2 // Page 1 of 4
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Turn angle to recover normal flight Less than 720°, spontaneous A Less than 720°, spontaneous A recovery recovery 10. Symmetric front collapse Rocking back less than 45° A Spontaneous in less than 3 s A Dive forward 0° to 30° Keeping A course No A No Rocking back less than 45° A Spontaneous in less than 3 s A Dive forward 0° to 30° / Keeping A course No A Approximately 30 % chord Entry Recovery Dive forward angle on exit Change of course Cascade occurs Folding lines used At least 50% chord Entry Recovery Dive forward angle on exit / Change of course Cascade...
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Collapse on the opposite side occurs No (or only a small number of A collapsed cells with a spontaneous reinflation) No (or only a small number of A collapsed cells with a spontaneous reinflation) Twist occurs Cascade occurs Folding lines used Small asymmetric collapse with fully activated accelerator Change of course until re-inflation / Maximum dive forward or roll angle Re-inflation behaviour Total change of course Collapse on the opposite side occurs Twist occurs Cascade occurs Folding lines used not available not available not available not available not available not available Not...
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Test Report generated automatically by AIR TURQUOISE SA, valid without signature // GB | REV 04 | 07.06.2016 // ISO | 71.8.2 // Page 4 of 4
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AIR TURQUDI5E 5A I PARA-TE5T.COM Route du Pre-au-Comte 0 * CH-1B44 Villeneuve * .41(0)21965 65 65 Test laboratory for paragliders, paraglider harnesses and paraglider reserve parachutes Manufacturer Address Sky Paragliders a.s. Okruzm 39 73911 Frydlant nad Ostravici Czech Republic Certification number Date of flight test Glider model Serial number Trimmer Folding lines used Bi 4 2 2257-11-1209 yes: opened no Test pilot Harness Harness to risers distance (cm) Distance between risers (cm) Total weight in flight (kg) Classification Representative Place of test Thurnheer Claude Advance - Bi pro...
Open the catalog to page 5
Turn angle to recover normal flight Less than 720°, spontaneous A Less than 720°, spontaneous A recovery recovery 10. Symmetric front collapse Rocking back less than 45° A Spontaneous in less than 3 s A Dive forward 0° to 30° Keeping A course No A No Rocking back less than 45° A Spontaneous in less than 3 s A Dive forward 0° to 30° / Keeping A course No A Approximately 30 % chord Entry Recovery Dive forward angle on exit Change of course Cascade occurs Folding lines used At least 50% chord Entry Recovery Dive forward angle on exit / Change of course Cascade...
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Collapse on the opposite side occurs No (or only a small number of A collapsed cells with a spontaneous reinflation) No (or only a small number of A collapsed cells with a spontaneous reinflation) Twist occurs Cascade occurs Folding lines used Small asymmetric collapse with fully activated accelerator Change of course until re-inflation / Maximum dive forward or roll angle Re-inflation behaviour Total change of course Collapse on the opposite side occurs Twist occurs Cascade occurs Folding lines used not available not available not available not available not available not available Not...
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Test Report generated automatically by AIR TURQUOISE SA, valid without signature // GB | REV 04 | 07.06.2016 // ISO | 71.8.2 // Page 4 of 4
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AIR TURQUOISE SA I PARA-TE5T.CDM Route du Pr£-au-Comte 8 * CH-1844 Villeneuve * .41(0)21965 65 65 Test laboratory for paragliders paraglider harnesses and paraglider reserve parachutes Manufacturer data Manufacturer name: Representative Street: Post code / place: Country: Sample data Name: Min weight in flight [kg]: Weight [kg]: Sample load serial number: Sample flight serial number: Test report summary 71.8.3 | Shock loading test: 71.8.3 | Sustained loading test: 71.8.2 | Flight test: 71.4.3 | Measurement: 71.6.3 | Line bending test: Sky Paragliders Nemec Martin Okruzni 39 73911 Frydlant...
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