Factsheet secunet eID PKI Suite


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Factsheet secunet eID PKI Suite - 1

Public Key Infrastructures For Modern Identity Documents

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Factsheet secunet eID PKI Suite - 2

With the eID PKI Suite, secunet offers its standard PKI, tailored to meet all the requirements for issuance, infrastructure and control. The design particularly focuses on the international exchange of certificates and other relevant information. Introducing electronic identity documents in most eMRTD to verify an access request all by itself de- cases means the implementation of biometric spite its computational restrictions. To get access to data in the document. Just like traditional optical eMRTDs from other countries, one has to be equipped data, this electronic data has to be secured...

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Factsheet secunet eID PKI Suite - 3

SPOC ICAO-PKD Self-Service Kiosks Stationary Border Controls to be established (BAC|SAC|PACE) and access to sensitive data is granted to an Inspection System (IS) if a certificate with sufficient entitlements is available for the mechanism of Terminal Authentication. A technical infrastructure is required to provide a valid certificate chain for the entitlements. Due to their very short validity, handling of Certificate Revocation Lists (CRLs) is not necessary. The three-layered infrastructure consists of a national trust anchor (CVCA) that is connected via a centralised interface called...

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Factsheet secunet eID PKI Suite - 4

Good reasons for secunet’s eID PKI Suite secunet has developed software products in previ- ICAO PKI field such as CSCA and DS services and ous eID projects which are “ready-to-implement” components which fulfil the requirements of the EAC for your projects, too. Together with the ePassportAPI, PKI, like CVCA and DVCA services. You can choose secunet covers the important requirements re- between individual software modules for easy garding the various PKIs. The product range com- integration into your existing setup, and the complete prises software modules for application in the turn-key...

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