Catalog excerpts

Technical Data Sheet ELVIRA® Drone Detection Radar NE W! Machine Learning Sof tware Upgrade n Ranges Classificatio As Far! Up To Twice ELVIRA® combines smart software, with affordable radar, and is built explicitly for drone detection and tracking. For early warning of incoming drones, you need radar. Simply put, no other sensor technology has a wider coverage area than radar. With 360o coverage, ELVIRA® provides you with early warning of approaching drones, in all directions, giving you precious time to react. The ability to detect drones in the distance is not enough though. Drone detection systems need to work in low visibility conditions, and in urban environments full of obstacles, moving objects, and a just about infinite amount of wireless radio devices. M U LT I P L E TA R G E T S A N D D R O N E S W A R M S Drones can be pre-programmed for autonomous flight with no operator and can approach in swarms. Any drone detection system should, therefore, be capable of detecting multiple targets simultaneously. And they should not rely on the drone and controller radio signals, which are only present when the drone is actively controlled. D R O N E S N OT B I R D S Last but not least, any drone detector needs to distinguish drones from other moving objects, like birds, to avoid false alarms. ELVIRA® is a purpose-built drone detection radar, specifically designed to meet all of these challenges. E A S Y I N T E G R AT I O N You can integrate ELVIRA’s tracks and alarms as a layer in your own existing, or 3rd party, security systems and Command and Control (C2) systems. A simple XML broadcast-based interface as well as ASTERIX and SAPIENT protocols are included with ELVIRA® as standard.
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Users typically require a visual picture of the target to take further action. Integrators can equip ELVIRA® with a high-resolution pan-tilt-zoom (PTZ) camera for visual confirmation of the target. When a drone is detected, the camera zooms into its direction for a controller to acquire an image and report details. Typical Range* Maximum Range** * These ranges are typically achieved under varying circumstances including moderate clutter. The radar’s micro-Doppler capability provides the necessary confirmation that a target has mechanical propulsion. ** These ranges are indicative of the...
Open the catalog to page 2All ROBIN RADAR SYSTEMS B.V. catalogs and technical brochures
Datasheet - MAX®
2 Pages
Datasheet - IRIS®
2 Pages
Drone Detection
13 Pages