RST Control Loading System
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RST Control Loading System - 1

Reiser Simulation and Training Control Loading System Realistic Flight Control Simulation Our newly designed active control loading system ecoLine CLS is the perfect platform for Part Task Trainers, Flight Navigation Procedure Trainers up to Flight Training Devices. ecoLine combines high fidelity with affordability and easy integration. The system can be adjusted to various fixed wing and rotary wing aircraft. Moreover, an integration into common flight simulation and visual systems (e.g. X-Plane, Prepar3D, Vega Prime, VBS3) can be realised with minimal effort. The basic platform comprises: Active Cyclic Stick Active Collective Active Pedals / Rudder Generic Grip Tops Options: Dual Set Kit Customized Seats Grips for Various Helicopter and Fixed Wing Aircraft Fixed Wing Kit Toe Brakes Pedestal for Throttle and Flaps Generic Throttle Lever Generic Flaps Lever Seat Shaker Large Cockpit Kit Touchscreen Instrument Panel Transport Box Reiser Simulation and Training GmbH Oberer Luessbach 29-31 82335 Berg / Germany Phone +49 8178 8681-0

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