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TSA_CM267 - 1

TSA CM267 CONVEYOR RADIATION PORTAL MONITOR HIGH SENSITIVITY AUTOMATICALLY SCREEN MOVING PARCELS OR BAGS GAMMA AND NEUTRON RADIATION DETECTION FAST, SEAMLESS INTEGRATION MARKETS Shown with Optional Heavy Duty Stand --Aviation --Critical Infrastructure --Customs and Border Control --Event Security THE TSA CM267 IS A STAND-ALONE CONVEYOR MONITOR WHICH CAN BE POSITIONED ON THE SIDE OR MOUNTED DIRECTLY ABOVE A MOVING BELTWAY. The CM267 features highly sensitive detection for both gamma and/or neutron radiation. --Defense ADVANCED DESIGN FEATURES FLEXIBLE DETECTION OPTIONS The TSA CM267 is a self-contained system housed in a single pillar with the gamma and neutron detectors for ease of installation and maintenance. An alarm output relay is standard which may be AC-coupled to stop or divert the conveyor automatically. The system is equipped with ethernet communications capability for integration with the operator interface. The TSA CM267 is available in three configurations; Gamma, Neutron or a combination of Gamma and Neutron detection. Gamma provides detection of ionizing radiation and Neutron provides detection of Special Nuclear Materials (SNM) while the combined Gamma and Neutron provides the most powerful detection capabilities for radioactive isotopes even in shielded materials. PROGRAMMABLE DETECTION PARAMETERS Selectable settings for sensitivity, energy discrimination, and fault levels may be entered by the administrator. EASY-TO-OPERATE In the field, after site preparation, the CM267 can be installed and operating in less than an hour. When powered up, the system first acquires an initial background, typically within 120-seconds and is ready to run indefinitely. When the CM267 senses items on the conveyor the system starts comparing the current count to the most recent background data. Alarm comparisons are made every 200ms. If the count exceeds the alarm level, both audible and visual alarms will be triggered. The system monitors itself and indicates low and high background conditions. sales@rapiscansystems.com www.rapiscansystems.com INTERFACE OPTIONS With the optional Remote Alarm Panel operators can view alarms up to 300m from the monitor. The TSA CM267 is compatible with TSA RAVEN™ communications software designed to both capture and view data and video images relating to a radiological detection incident. TSA RAVEN™ (Radiation Alarm and Video Event Notification) communications software is used remotely to assist response personnel in the field to pinpoint radioactive sources. RAVEN can monitor multiple detectors and aid in managing individual detector activity

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TSA_CM267 - 2

TSA CM267 PHYSICAL SPECIFICATIONS Dimensions: Length: 6,366 mm (250.6 in.) Length with Conveyors: 8,496 mm (334.5 in.) Width: 3,379 mm (133.0 in.) Height: 3,181 mm (125.2 in.) Sensitivity Gamma: Will detect 10g of 235U (HEU) or 25g of 239Pu in 20 uR/hr background at a passage speed of one meter per second Neutron*: At a distance of 1 m, will detect less than 200g of plutonium in a shielded container that reduces the gamma flux to 1% of the unshielded gamma flux. Detectors Standard Gamma and Neutron: One 30 h x 6 w x 1.5 d in. (76 x 15 x 4 cm) organic plastic scintillation detector, shielded...

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