PC-12 NG Spectre
1 / 32Pages

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PC-12 NG Spectre - 1


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PC-12 NG Spectre - 2


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PC-12 NG Spectre - 5


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PC-12 NG Spectre - 7

A VERY SPECIAL PLATFORM PILATUS SPECIAL MISSIONS With 75 years of experience building rugged, dependable, industrial-grade, precision-crafted utility aircraft, Pilatus has earned a solid reputation as the provider of some of the most versatile and reliable special mission aircraft in the world. Pilatus began crafting special mission and military aircraft with the P-2 Swiss military trainer in 1942. Today, Pilatus produces the legendary PC-6, the high performance PC-21 next generation trainer, and the extremely adaptable PC-12 operated globally by governments, militaries, and humanitarian...

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PC-12 NG Spectre - 8

A VERY SPECIAL PLATFORM AN AIRCRAFT LIKE NO OTHER The PC-12 NG SpectreTM, a derivative of the civilian market PC-12 NG, is modified to serve as a highly versatile special missions platform for both military and law enforcement operations. The Pilatus PC-12 fleet has proven itself in well over 6 million flight hours and more than 1,500 aircraft in a wide variety of roles including surveillance, reconnaissance, medevac, jump and utility drop, border patrol, command and control, law enforcement, disaster response, cargo, personnel transport, and air ambulance. The combined features of the...

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PC-12 NG Spectre - 10

The rugged, field-proven PC-12 NG is as versatile as a Swiss Army knife. In just minutes the PC-12 NG can be ■w transformed to perform a wide range of special mission roles. In one aircraft, the PC-12 NG combines high speed, long range, large cabin, fuel efficiency, low maintenance, and short unimproved runway operation to create a unique asset unmatched by anything else in the field. One highly efficient platform, capable of accomplishing many critical missions. Tailor the PC-12 NG’s 330 cubic feet (9.34 m3) of cabin volume to your unique requirements. Switch quickly from a nine-passenger...

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PC-12 NG Spectre - 11

1 SPECTRE™ Make the most out of the pressurized PC-12 NG cabin with ample space for operators, baggage and specialized equipment. 3 AIR AMBULANCE Air ambulance operations require easy cabin access, comfort and robust functionality from remote locations, all PC-12 NG specialties. 4 COMBI Whether it’s a critical spare part or a complete engine -travel in pressurized comfort and leave nothing behind. 5 CARGO A blank slate with so many options: special missions platform or cargo - a modular configuration is key to the PC-12 NG’s cabin versatility.

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PC-12 NG Spectre - 12

SUPREME VERSATILITY PC-12 NG SPECTRE FOR MILITARY The PC-12 NG is actively deployed by special operations insiders in some of the most austere and harsh environments around the globe. Its long loiter time on station with high-speed dash capability and long range combine to create a truly compelling, multi-role, multimission aircraft that is the definition of “mission fit.” Configured with the PC-12 NG Spectre™ Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance package, the largevolume PC-12 NG houses a deployable EO/IR sensor lift for an in flight 360 degree view controlled through a mission...

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PC-12 NG Spectre - 13

The SpectreTM accomodates a wide range of customized mission equipment.

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PC-12 NG Spectre - 14

The deployable EO/IR sensor provides the ability to be a stealthy observer of unlawful activity.

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PC-12 NG Spectre - 15

SUPREME VERSATILITY Many people think of the PC-12 NG as a private business aircraft. What most people don’t realize is that the “executive” aircraft sitting on the ramp may actually be carrying surveillance and communication equipment in the air. The Pilatus PC-12 NG SpectreTM has been adopted by leading federal, state, municipal and international law enforcement agencies as the “go-to platform” for surveillance, transport, border protection, and airborne operation control. With its pressurized cabin, high-altitude ceiling, and long standoff distance, the PC-12 NG is virtually undetectable...

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PC-12 NG Spectre - 16

SUPREME VERSATILITY PC-12 NG SPECTRE FOR MEDEVAC Real disasters require rapid response by governments, military personnel, medical staff and relief agencies. The ability to carry large loads and operate from short, unimproved runways or even roads allows the PC-12 NG to provide aid in a way that no other aircraft is capable. The PC-12 NG’s large cargo door and flat floor makes it easy to make quick turns reloading pallets of supplies on the ground or air-lifting critically injured patients. Even more, the reconfigurable cabin can easily transform a single asset into a tool which can be used...

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PC-12 NG Spectre - 19

PROVEN CAPABILITIES The PC-12 NG, like all Pilatus aircraft, is precision-engineered and crafted with the purpose of operating day-in and day-out in harsh environments around the globe. Pilatus’ experience building high performance turboprop aircraft for the world’s militaries provides a solid foundation for understanding the demands that are placed on aircraft which must be available for duty at a moment’s notice. With more than 1,500 aircraft in the field, the PC-12 fleet has racked up over 6 million flight hours operating in remote regions of the Arctic, across the deserts of Australia,...

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PC-12 NG Spectre - 20

PROVEN CAPABILITIES Believing the power of the single-engine design lies in the marriage of technology and simplicity, development of the PC-12 called upon Pilatus' long history of building training aircraft for the worlds' air forces. It should come as no surprise that safety and reliability were at the top of the list of design goals for the PC-12 NG. The aircraft is equipped with numerous redundant and fail-safe systems and structures, and powered by the Pratt & Whitney Canada PT6, considered to be the most dependable aircraft engine ever built. The reliability of modern turbine engines...

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PC-12 NG Spectre - 23

ACQUISITION COST OPERATIONAL COST $1,010.53 / $1,010.53 / hr hr $3.72 / $3.72 / nmnm PROVEN CAPABILITIES PROVEN ON THE BOTTOM LINE It’s the new reality – you are under constant pressure to do more with less. More missions need to be supported with fewer people and less budget to accomplish them. Surveillance, command and control, personnel transport, medevac, cargo movement. Up until now, each mission required its unique set of equipment and specialized personnel to manage and operate the assets. In today’s world, it’s time to think differently about how you get the job done, and the PC-12...

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