Catalog excerpts
Curiosity Quad copter UAV is small category UAV designed for both civilian and military use. The craft is portable and can be operated in most terrains with small clearances because of portable GCS. Can be transported by personnel or in a small vehicle. The airframe and part avionics have been designed and manufactured in India so the components and maintenance cost would be bare minimum. The autopilot has been developed in India so upgrade of software would be a simple. The propulsion system is all electric so the field operations are simple. The GCS software and the autopilot software are...
Open the catalog to page 2Capabilities: Range Endurance Accuracy Cruise Speed Max Speed Max Winds Altitude (AGL) Altitude Ceiling * Total Distance Traveled 3.5 Km * 22 Mins+2 Mins reserve for failsafe within 3 m of the programmed way point Launch and Recovery: • Auto Landing and Takeoff • Manual or Auto Landing depending on the wind conditions prevailing during mission. • 10 m x 10 m clearance is required to launch the craft. Ground Control Station: • Mission Control Software on rugged Windows Laptop. • Live Video Monitoring Station using a standard AV video monitor. • Live Video and Audio recording at GCS. •...
Open the catalog to page 3Our other products... Curiosity Plus Quadcopter UAV OM UAV Systems 60-UA, Jawahar Nagar, Delhi 110 007, India Contact: Ravindra Singh Mob. : +91 9810442574
Open the catalog to page 4All OM UAV Systems catalogs and technical brochures
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