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TTN3516-2E4a - 1

AERONAUTICS & DEFENCE TECHNICAL DATA SHEET MINERAL TURBINE OIL NATO CODE O-133 - AIR 3516/A Iss.2 - MIL-PRF-6081E Grade 1010 DESCRIPTION Turbonycoil 3516 is a mineral turbine oil blended from mineral naphthenic base stocks and anti-oxidant additives, with a viscosity of 3 cSt at 100°C. It retains a low viscosity at very low temperature, down to - 60°C. MAIN APPLICATIONS • Turbine oil (power plant, APU, starter, IDG...) for civil and military aircraft and helicopter of first generation • Preservation oil for aircraft engine fuel control system Unit Typical Result AIR 3516/A Limit Test method Colour - Kinematic viscosity At 40°C At100°C At -40°C after 35 min. after 3 h change after 3 h - Pour point °C - 61 max. - 57 ASTM D 97 - Foaming test (tendency / stability) at 24°C cm3/cm3 25/0 rep°rt ASTM D 892 - Acid number - Oxidation-corrosion test, 168 h at 121°C Viscosity change at 40°C % + 0.7 Acid number change mg KOH/g + 0.02 Metal weight change mg/cm2

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