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TFH51-1E8a - 1

AERONAUTICS & DEFENCE TECHNICAL DATA SHEET PETROLEUM HYDRAULIC FLUID NATO CODE H-515 - DCSEA 415/A - MIL-PRF-5606 H DEF STAN 91-48 Iss.2 - OM-15 DESCRIPTION Hydraunycoil FH 51 is a petroleum-based hydraulic fluid with a viscosity of 14 cSt at 40°C. It contains antioxidant, anti-corrosion and anti-wear additives. Hydraunycoil FH 51 has an extremely wide operating temperature range (from -54°C to + 135°C in air-tight circuits and - 54°C to + 90°C in open circuits) and a viscosity index exceeding 300. It is micro-filtered and is supplied with a controlled level of contaminant. MAIN APPLICATIONS Shock strut fluid for landing gear absorber of civil and military aircrafts Hydraulic fluid for flight control system of military aircrafts and helicopters, missiles General purpose hydraulic fluid for ground equipment (tanks, armored vehicles...) Typical Result Test method - Flash point °C - Auto-ignition temperature ° C - Pour point °C - Total acid number mg KOH/g - Evaporation loss, 6 h at 71°C - Foaming test (tendency/stability) at 24°C - Steel on steel wear, 4-ball machine, scar diameter, 1h at 392N - Solid particles content 5 - 15 pm 16 - 25 pm 26 - 50 pm 51 - 100 pm > 100 pm - Elastomer NBR-L compatibility, 168h at 70°C - Copper corrosion, 3h at 100°C rating - Water content no gelling, clouding, crystallization, FED-STD-

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