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NYCO INDUSTRY & AUTOMOTIVE DESCRIPTION NYCOLUBE 5600 HT series are fully synthetic chain oils based on neopolyol esters and high performance anti-oxidant system. NYCOLUBE 5600 HT chain lubricants exhibit very low volatility, outstanding resistance to thermo-oxidation, with a very weak propensity to coke and deposit formation. NYCOLUBE 5600 HT lubricants provide unmatched performance for high temperature chain applications, with exceptional durability and cleanliness features. APPLICATION NYCOLUBE 5600 HT series is recommended for the lubrication of chains operating at elevated temperatures (up to 250°C, and even 300°C at peak t emperatures). Typical applications will be found in glass mills, cement industry, chipboard and laminate industry, plastic film industry... NYCOLUBE 5650 HT, in particular, is NSF H2 registered as an acceptable lubricant for food processing, on equipment and machine parts in locations where there is no possibility of contact with food. ADVANTAGES > Excellent lubricity > Excellent adhesion properties > Low volatility and reduced consumption > Resists very high temperatures (up to 250°C) > Very low deposit formation Properties Designation NSF H2 registration Appearance Flash Point COC Fire point Kinematic Viscosity @ 100°C 40°C Evaporation loss 204°C, 6.5 h Steel Corrosion 4-ball wear scar 1h, 40kg

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