NYCO 1750
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Catalog excerpts

NYCO 1750 - 1

TECHNICAL DATA SHEET NYCO 1750 MULTIPURPOSE ADDITIVE FOR DIESEL ENGINE NATO CODE S-1750 – DCSEA 751/C DESCRIPTION NYCO 1750 is composed of a blend of additives improving the anti-wear properties and alkyl nitrate type additives dedicated to improve the cetane index. This liquid is free from any kind of contaminant such as suspended matters, abrasive matters and water. APPLICATION The multipurpose additive for Diesel engines, NYCO 1750, is dedicated to improve the quality of the fuel used in trucks and tanks diesel engines (lubrication boost and cetane index improvement), according to the « Single Fuel Concept » – and therefore simplifying the fuel logistic on the battlefield. The level of treatment on the fuel by NYCO 1750 is 0.1% in volume, ie 1 litre per cubic meter. - Pour point - Flash Point - HFRR test - Compatibility with engine oils The values above are typical values. They do not constitute any contractual commitment. Sales specifications are available on request. The present technical data sheet replaces all the previous editions. NYCO 66 avenue des Champs Elysées BP 414 - 75366 PARIS CEDEX 8 France | Tél. : +33 145 615 000 | Fax : +33 145 615 013 | E.mail : | - Cetane index variation

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