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TECHNICAL DATA SHEET DESCRIPTION Hydraunycoil FH 13 is a petroleum-based hydraulic fluid with a viscosity of 46 cSt at 40°C with anti-wear, anti-corrosion and antioxidant additives. APPLICATION Hydraunycoil FH 13 is intended primarily for use on board Navy vessels in hydraulic systems that do not require a wide operating temperature range nor fire-resistant properties. It is also used for propeller pitch hydraulic controls, rotary air compressors, and some gearboxes. Typical Result Test method - Appearance clear and limpid visual examination - Density at 15°C - Kinematic viscosity at 100°C at 40°C at -20°C - Total acid number mg KOH/g 0.1 max. 0.2 ASTM D 974 - Copper corrosion, 24 h at 100°C rating - Foaming test (tendency 5min aeration / stability 1 min settling) at 24°C at 94°C at 24°C after 94°C - Water content mg/kg 30

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