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Aeronautics-Defence-Products-catalogue-Issue-3 - 1

Issue 3 NYCO Aeronautics & Defence products catalogue Aeronautics & Defence products catalogue High performance lubricants

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Aeronautics-Defence-Products-catalogue-Issue-3 - 2

High performance lubricants for AeronauƟcs and Defence NYCO is a worldwide-recognized manufacturer of synthetic esters and specialty lubricants for Aeronautics, Defence and Industry. A French independent and privately-owned company, we are the sole European producer of aviation lubricants and expert in the development and manufacturing of high-performance synthetic ester-base stocks. Thanks to 60 years’ field experience in defence business and pioneering in turbine oil development, NYCO has become the reference supplier for Air-Sea-Land Forces and Administrations as well as a key partner for...

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Aeronautics-Defence-Products-catalogue-Issue-3 - 3

Handling and storage instructions Always refer to the SDS of the product and observe precautionary statements on the labels. Observe the occupational safety and health regulations as well. Generally speaking the following procedures should be applied: • Handling : handle in well-ventilated areas. Wear suitable protective clothing and personal protective equipment : refer to the relevant SDS, § 7.1 and 8.2. • Hygiene measures : wash hands after handling the product and before leaving the workplace. Wash contaminated clothing before reuse. • Fire prevention : prevent access by unauthorised...

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Aeronautics-Defence-Products-catalogue-Issue-3 - 4

SHELF LIFE NYCO is conforming to prescription defined in STANAG 3149 limiting the lubricants shelf life to a maximum of 72 months. A periodical analysis (Retest) enables to control, within these 6 years, if the products are still conforming to the specifications and that their usage can be extended or not. The product validity can be extended to half the « Retest date » time and is renewable until the maximum shelf life limit (6 years). Apart some exceptions, the Retest dates are generally the following: • Waste: do not pour into drains or waterways. Do not contaminate the ground or water...

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Aeronautics-Defence-Products-catalogue-Issue-3 - 5

Accidental release & firefighting measures ACCIDENTAL RELEASE • Personal precautions: consult the safety measures listed in the produst’s SDS under headings 7 and 8. • Environmental precautions: contain and control the leaks or spills with dikes or non-combustible absorbent materials such as sand, earth, sawdust, vermiculite, diatomaceous earth. Prevent any material from entering drains or waterways. Use drums to dispose of waste recovered in accordance with local and current applicable regulations. If the product contaminates waterways, rivers or drains, alert the competent authorities in...

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Aeronautics-Defence-Products-catalogue-Issue-3 - 7

Specifications issuing authorities MILITARY France AIR - Direction technique des Constructions Aéronautiques DCSEA - Direction Centrale du Service des Essences aux Armée STM - Spécification Technique de la Marine, issued by the French Navy department DOD - United States Department of Defense MIL-PRF/L/G/M/DTL - U.S. Military Specifications SS/TT/VV - U.S. Federal Specifications BS - British Standards Institution DEF STA - Defence Standard, issued by the Ministry of Defence NOTE: The Joint Service Designations (JSD) are established by the British Ministry of Defence, Director of Standardization....

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Aeronautics-Defence-Products-catalogue-Issue-3 - 8


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Aeronautics-Defence-Products-catalogue-Issue-3 - 9

DESCRIPTION NATO SAE OEMs & airframers French UK / JSD US Other national code specification reference specification specification specification specification TURBINE & PISTON ENGINE OILS

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Aeronautics-Defence-Products-catalogue-Issue-3 - 10

NYCO BRAND NAMES DESCRIPTION NATO SAE OEMs & airframers French UK / JSD US Other national code specification reference specification specification specification specification TURBINE & PISTON ENGINE OILS

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Aeronautics-Defence-Products-catalogue-Issue-3 - 13

DESCRIPTION NATO SAE OEMs & airframers French UK / JSD US Other national code specification reference specification specification specification specification HYDRAULIC FLUIDS HYDRAUNYCOIL FH 23 Phosphate ester based fluid, fire H-580 STM 7320 MIL-H-19457D HYDRAUNYCOIL FH 42 Synthetic hydraulic fluid - Low H-538 temperature, fire resistant HYDRAUNYCOIL FH 46 Mineral hydraulic fluid for landing gear HYDRAUNYCOIL FH 51 Mineral hydraulic fluid for landing H-515 Airbus CML 02BBB9 DCSEA DEF STAN 91-48 MIL-PRF-5606H gear shock absorbers, flaps and slats ATR CML...

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Aeronautics-Defence-Products-catalogue-Issue-3 - 14

DESCRIPTION NATO SAE OEMs & airframers French UK / JSD US Other national code specification reference specification specification specification specification GREASES NYCO GREASE GN HC Synthetic grease for plug valves and G-363 SAE- Airbus CML 03KBB1 DCSEA DEF STAN 91-6 components exposed to jet fuel in AMS-G-6032 ATR CML 04-006 363/B Iss. 4 / XG-235 aircraft systems - Hydrocarbon resistant Type 1 NYCO GREASE GN 05 Aircraft mineral grease - Heavy duty - G-359 Airbus CML 03FBB1 AIR 4205/B Temperature range -18°C to +149°C...

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Aeronautics-Defence-Products-catalogue-Issue-3 - 15

code specification reference specification specification specification specification NYCO GREASE GN 46 Mineral grease for helicopter oscillating G-366 Airbus CML 03FDG1 DEF STAN 91-51 MIL-G-25537C bearings - Anti-fretting - Temperature ATR CML 04-013 Iss. 2 / XG-284 range -54°C to +75°C NYCO GREASE GN GA 47 Graphited anti-seize compound for S-720 SAE Airbus CML 03LBB1 AIR 4247/A DEF STAN 80-80 threads, bolts & nuts, splines, spark AMS-2518 D ATR CML 04-003 Iss. 2 / ZX-13 NYCO 65 VASELINE Technical petrolatum - Assembly and S-743 Airbus CML...

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Aeronautics-Defence-Products-catalogue-Issue-3 - 16

DESCRIPTION NATO SAE OEMs & airframers French UK / JSD US Other national code specification reference specification specification specification specification GREASES NYCO GREASE GN 142 Automotive and weapon mineral grease G-414 - Extreme Pressure - Temperature range -30°C to +130°C NYCO GREASE GN 144 Multi-purpose aircraft synthetic grease - Airbus Extreme Pressure - Temperature range AIMS-09-06-001 NYCO GREASE GN 145 High-performance synthetic grease for G-403 General Automotive and Artillery (GAA) -Extreme Pressure - Temperature range -54°C to +160°C NYCO GREASE GN...

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All NYCO catalogs and technical brochures

  1. NYCOLUBE 294

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  2. NYCO 1750

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  3. NYCOSOL 13

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  4. TFH51-1E8a

    1 Pages

  5. TTN160-1E7a

    2 Pages

  6. TTN600-1E17a

    2 Pages

  7. TTN3516-2E4a

    1 Pages