IMS4 Model Suite
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IMS4 Model Suite - 1

Complex Monitoring and Forocesting Suite

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IMS4 Model Suite - 2

High resolution, short term weather forecasting and Radiation and pollutant crisis modeling Road condition modeling Visibility modeling Sand storm modeling Hydrological modeling The IMS4 Model Suite provides a composition of modern models and simulation technologies for meteorology, hydrology, radiation and air quality. Models run both operatively and in research mode. IMS4 Model Suite is an integrated, easy-to-use, powerful system for modeling, processing, visualisation and model validation. IMS4 Model Suite is a complex system for supporting forecasters as well as crisis managers. Its...

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IMS4 Model Suite - 3

IMS4 Model Suite The main users of the system are usually meteorologists, hydrologists or authorities responsible for the crisis management at local, regional or national levels. The optional subsystems include but are not limited to call center with digital recording systems, GIS, warning and notification systems. The models and data bases comply with international standards in the respective areas, however they can be customized to meet the geographical, climatic, environmental as well as organizational specifics of the customer. Numerical Weather Prediction Models NWP Model provides...

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IMS4 Model Suite - 4

IMS4 Model Suite Road / Runway Condition Model Sandstorm Modeling Road/Runway Condition Model is suitable for prediction of potential risk on roads or runways caused by winter conditions. Model provides nowcasting and/or short term forecasting of road/runway condition based on radiation and heat budgets. It is very powerful tool for supporting road maintenance during winter season. Sandstorm model is based on the state-of-the-art of the 3D numerical weather prediction and the model for sand uplift, dispersion and deposition. It is verified against geostationary and polar orbiting...

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IMS4 Model Suite - 5

Hydrological Modeling The complex network of models is used for the water level and discharge forecast or 1-D/2-D hydrodynamic calculations. The variety of models is ranging from simple empirical formulas to rainfall-runoff or hydraulic models with deterministic or ensemble data sets. The advanced system for models configuration and management is a part of the IMS4 Model Suite. The data visualization and processing is also fully integrated into the hydrological portal. Following hydrological models have been integrated in order to enable the user to solve wide range of hydrological issues...

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IMS4 Model Suite - 6

IMS4 Model Suite Flood Warning System Flood mitigation requires knowledge of the meteorological and hydrological conditions in the past, at the present and forecast into the future. The complete flood warning system can be provided on a turnkey basis: • Automatic weather and hydrological stations • Remote sensing systems • UDCS/EnviDB – the data acquisition and operational/long term database • IMS4 ModelSuite – NWP and hydrological models • Map Server and/or IMS4 WeatherStudio – hydrological situation visualization Measurement Data processing & Modeling Weather Studio Automatic weather...

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All MICROSTEP-MIS catalogs and technical brochures

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  4. IMS4 RVR

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  6. MM10

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  7. IMS4 AWOS

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  9. SWS-200

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  10. IRS31 Pro

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  11. IMS4 LLWAS

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  12. IMS4 AWDSS

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  13. IMS CLDB

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  14. MWD-30A

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  15. SAWS 111

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  16. RHT75

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  17. PT100D

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