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IMS4 ARWIS Airport Runway Weather Information System IMS4 ARWIS provides the airport authorities with the essential runway surface condition data. Using the realtime collected measurements from the field sensors as well as forecasts from the integrated model the system detects and predicts the runway conditions: ice (black ice), freezing rain, accumulation of snow and thaw. Ready for 2020: GLOBAL REPORTING FORMAT ICAO Detection and prediction of runway conditions Compliant with ICAO Annex 14, 7th Edition, Amendment 13b Operational alerts on hazardous phenomena detected or forecast The detected and/or manually observed runway conditions are translated using Runway Condition Assessment Matric (RCAM) into Runway Condition Code (RWYCC ranging from 0 to 6) and disseminated in the form of the Runway Code Report, thus ensuring compliance of the system with the ICAO Annex 14, 7th Edition, Amendment 13b in effect from November 05, 2020. Standalone system or integrated within AWOS / AWDSS The measurements and forecasts-based early warnings contribute to air traffic safety and help in planning the run-way maintenance activities. The system can be installed as standalone one with options of upgrades during the system lifetime or can be fully integrated within the IMS4 Automated Weather Observation System.

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RUNWAY REAL TIME DISPLAYS IMS4 ARWIS CENTRAL SYSTEM LOCAL AWOS GENERAL WEATHER FORECAST (ANM) MEDIA CONVERTER FSK MODEM LINES OR FIBER OPTIC OR RADIOMODEMS/WIFI FSK MODEM LINES OR FIBER OPTIC OR RADIOMODEMS/WIFI RUNWAYS System components scheme Field sensors The IMS4 ARWIS can interface numerous types of sensors and data loggers. The active/passive intrusive runway surface and subsurface sensors or non-intrusive optical sensors provides runway and subsurface temperature, freezing point, water film thickness and runway condition (dry, damp, wet, residual salt, freezing wet, ice, black ice...

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manually by the operator or automatically by the system and can disseminated via data exchange networks (AFTN, AMHS, WMO GTS, etc.). The built-in aviation web server provides the local airport controllers as well as remote users with the powerful and efficient web interface. Forecasts and early warnings For the runway condition prediction, IMS4 ARWIS includes interfaces to the Numerical Weather Prediction model (deployed by MicroStep-MIS or operated by the airport / local met service) or imports the TAF / TREND forecasts and the IMS4 ARWIS built-in runway condition model provides the...

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System requirements • Standard server or a dual hot-failover cluster • Linux (CentOS, RedHat, etc.) or Microsoft Windows 10/Server 201x operating system • Mozilla Firefox compatible browser supported ISO Quality Certified Company Compliance with standards • CAA Certified (Type approval, applicable standards) • ICAO Annex 3 and 10 for Data Processing and Reporting Practices • ICAO Annex 14 Aerodrome Design and Operations including 7th Edition Amendment 13b • ICAO Doc 8896 for Aeronautical Meteorological Practices • ISO 9001: 2015 for quality assurance All specifications are subject to change...

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All MICROSTEP-MIS catalogs and technical brochures

  1. MMR-116

    3 Pages

  2. RT1

    1 Pages

  3. RHT175

    2 Pages

  4. IMS4 RVR

    2 Pages

  5. MM10

    2 Pages

  6. IMS4 AWOS

    6 Pages


    2 Pages

  8. SWS-200

    2 Pages

  9. IRS31 Pro

    1 Pages

  10. IMS4 LLWAS

    4 Pages

  11. IMS4 AWDSS

    4 Pages

  12. IMS CLDB

    8 Pages

  13. MWD-30A

    1 Pages

  14. SAWS 111

    2 Pages

  15. RHT75

    1 Pages

  16. PT100D

    1 Pages