Aeronautical Climatological Database
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Aeronautical Climatological Database - 1

Aeronautical Climatological Database • Based on cutting edge technologies (Oracle Database, Java) • Scalability up to thousands of stations and variables • Component-based software design • Extensible to dual architecture with replicated server or cluster • Compatible with MS Office, Windows, Linux (multiplaltform server and web clients, Windows clients) • Using ODBC interface, 3rd party applications can retrieve data • CLDB fulfills WMO outlined criteria for new climatological RDBMS (new generation of Relational Database Management Systems) • Quality of service indicator analysis Climatological database (CLDB) is a MicroStep-MIS database system addressing the needs of the meteorological institutes to store the high-volume long-term meteorological, climatological and environmental data. The CLDB stores all collected data in one unified structure, thus avoiding data inconsistencies and discrepancies and enabling standard comfortable data access for all users and other software systems. No additional data storage and no different and confusing data formats are needed. Within the Climatological database, the above-mentioned unified structure is based on SQL Database Server and the standard data access is based on SQL language. CLDB is based on WMO recommended practices for climatological data processing (WMO Guide No. 100). It follows the WMO suggestion of a RDBMS (Relation Database Man- agement System) application with wide use in climatology (World Climate Program efforts concerning new Climate Data Management Systems - CDMSs). The Aeronautical Climatological Database is a CLDB variant fully compliant with the ICAO / WMO requirements related to the preparation of the Aerodrome Climatological Summaries. In addition, the database is an ideal tool for the advanced statistical data post processing and with the incorporated sophisticated quality control modules it is ready to serve for the evaluation of the quality of service indicators for the particular MET service provider. Having been integrated into the IMS4 Aviation Weather Decision Support System, Aero CLDB serves as the data source for the data mining models (fog detection and forecasting, cloud coverage, etc.). MicroStep-MIS, © 2014. All specifications subject to change without prior notice.

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Aeronautical Climatological Database - 2

Aeronautical Climatological Database System description Data Collection and Decoding Module Real-time data (wind, T/DP, QNH/QFE, visibility, cloud information) PILOT, TEMP Aerodrome climatological summaries: • for planning of aerodrome operations • indicate probability of occurrence of low visibility, low cloud base etc. throughout the year and for a specific hours of a day Basic ICAO/WMO prescribed forms: • Frequencies of the occurrence of RVR/visibility and/or height of lowest cloud base of BKN or OVC extent below specified values at specified times • Frequencies of visibility below...

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Aeronautical Climatological Database - 3

Aeronautical Climatological Database Aero CLDB System description WMO Message Collection and Switching Capabilities The optional message switching module supports wide choice of protocols defined by the WMO Manual on the GTS or other applicable documents: • file transfer (FTP, SCP, different formats) • TCP/IP sockets as defined by the Attachment II/15 of the WMO Manual on the GTS • legacy asynchronous lines • AFTN ITA-2, ITA-5 OPMET database The OPMET database automates the storage and retrieval of observations (METAR/SPECI), forecasts (TAF) and warnings (SIGMET). Quality of Service...

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Aeronautical Climatological Database - 4

Aero CLDB MicroStep-MIS Forecasting office Aero CLDB Forecasting office scheme Compliance with standards: • • • • ICAO Annex 3 Meteorological Service for International Air Navigation WMO Technical Regulation No. 49, Volume II Meteorological Service for International Air Navigation WMO No. 100 Guide to Climatological Practices WMO No. 1001 Guide to the Quality Management System for the Provision of Meteorological Service for International Air Navigation • ISO 9001:2008 for quality assurance Contact us for more information Cavojskeho 1, 841 04 Bratislava, Slovakia tel.: +421 2 602 00 100,...

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