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Catalog excerpts

L2400/EB - 1

LIMBACH L2000 EB, L2400 EB Four cylinder, horizontally opposed air cooled engine, with single magneto ignition, wet sump pressure lubrication L 2000 EB Maximum HP (5 min) Continous HP Bore Stroke Displacement Compression ratio L 2400 EB Maximum HP (5 min) Continous HP Bore Stroke Displacement Compression ra tio Ignition Harness Spark plugs Firing Order Firing point Carburetor Fuel min. octane Air clea ner Fuel pump Starter with soi enoid Generator Oil pressure Oil temperature Oil capacity Cy i inder head temp. Tachometer drive Propeli er drive Propell er hub Dry weight approx. Fuel consumpti on Data may change without prior notice. Limbach Flugmotoren Kotthausener StraBe 5 GmbH & Co.KG D-53639 Konigswinter-Sassenberg 2 x LIMBACH LIM BACH 12 V - 1.1 kW 14 V - 33 A or 14 V - 55 A max. 7 bar; min. 1 bar at 2500 rpm max. 120 oC; min. 50 oC 3.5 ltrs max. 250 oC mechanical direct, anti-clockwise EB 1 for variable pitch 76,5 kg L 2000 EB should be individuall y establ ished during flight tests, however the average fuel consumption is approx.: 12 ltrs/hr L 2000 EB

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L2400/EB - 2

alle Datenblätter Limbach Flugmotoren GmbH & Co.KG Data may change without prior notice.

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All Limbach Flugmotoren GmbH & Co.KG catalogs and technical brochures

  1. L 275 EF

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  2. L 2400 DX

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  3. L 2400 DT/ET

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  4. L 2400 EB

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  5. L 2000 E0/EC

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  6. L 2000 EB

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  7. L 1700 E0/EC

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  8. L 1700 EA

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