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C-27J ISR - 1


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C-27J ISR - 2

f C-27JSPARTAN RUGGED, RELIABLE, PROVEN, VERSATILE The C-27J Spartan is the most effective multi-mission airlifter available on the market today. Its capability to operate from the most rudimentary airstrips in extreme environmental conditions cannot be matched by any other twin-engine airlifter. Thanks to its exceptional structural strength and systems redundancy, the Spartan offers unique qualities, not found in aircraft of the same class or derived from commercial turboprops: ruggedness, reliability, outstanding survivability and maneuverability. Ordered and employed with full...

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C-27J ISR - 4

ONE AIRCRAFT, MULTIPLE CAPABILITIES The C-27J has a cargo bay with the largest cross section in its class (3.33 x 2.60 m), a wide rear door with opening ramp, a very strong cargo floor (4,900 kg/m max load for the entire fuselage length), large paratroop side doors, a cargo loading system designed to handle standard 463L pallets/platforms and many types of cargo loads which can be easily loaded, transported and airdropped. The C-27J is the only aircraft in its class with the capability to adjust the cargo floor both in height and inclination, to facilitate the loading/unloading operations...

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C-27J ISR - 5

© Aeronautica Militare - Troupe Azzurra © Commonwealth of Australia, Department of Defence

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C-27J ISR - 6

HUMANITARIAN ASSISTANCE AND DISASTER RELIEF SUPPORT The Spartan has already fully demonstrated its capability to effectively accomplish any transport mission related to disaster relief efforts, humanitarian assistance and support of Homeland Security missions, thanks to its total autonomy from ground support and ability to airlift materiel, equipment and people from/to remote and unprepared fields or areas where civil infrastructure has been damaged or destroyed, including precisely and timely airdrop of pallets and bundles with goods and lifesaving supplies as needed on the ground. The...

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C-27J ISR - 7

© Cesar Baltazar Huanqui-Peru

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C-27J ISR - 8

The ruggedness of the C-27J is confirmed by mission availability rates in excess of 85% recorded in years of operational deployments, by several Air Forces since 2006, in the austere and extreme Middle East and Central Asian environments. The C-27J, expressly designed for intra-theatre operations, can be equipped with a full Defensive Aids Sub-Systems suite, secure communications and battlefield armor providing ballistic protection in order to operate in high threat environments, delivering cargo and people wherever they are needed. The C-27J can directly upload large payloads,...

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C-27J ISR - 9

© Commonwealth of Australia, Department of Defence

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C-27J ISR - 10

UNRIVALLED ABILITIES The Spartan has an unrivalled ability, and it is qualified, to perform short take-offs and landings (STOL) on snowy, sandy and unprepared airfields. Compared with other military transport aircraft in its class, the C-27J has the best descent and climb rate (4,000 and 2,500 ft/min) and can also perform 3 g tactical maneuvers, minimizing its approach phase and reaching a safe altitude more quickly in high threat scenarios. The Spartan is qualified for extreme temperature conditions and it is capable to carry its load in very hot and high conditions as already demonstrated...

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C-27J ISR - 11

© Aeronautica Militare - Troupe Azzurra

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C-27J ISR - 12

MC-27J: FLEXIBILITY AT YOUR SERVICE Looking beyond the tactical transport roles, the variants grouped under the MC-27J name are designed to cope with current and future international scenarios, requiring a flexible, effective and efficient multi-mission aircraft, quickly reconfigurable thanks to Roll-On/RollOff systems to be, from time to time, a C3-ISR platform (Command, Control, Communication, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance), SIGINT (SIGnal INTelligence), Fire Support or MP/SAR (Maritime Patrol/ Search And Rescue, both at sea and on land) asset. The off-the-shelf MC-27J...

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C-27J ISR - 13

© Gian Luca Onnis

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C-27J ISR - 14

USCG: “This aircraft meets our mission needs for endurance, speed and efficiency. Coast Guard pilots were easily able to shift from flying the C-130Js the service also flies thanks to the commonalities between the two aircraft”. Lt. Cmdr. Ryan Allen, U.S. Coast Guard’s C4ISR platform manager, July 14, 2016 – Defense News w

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C-27J ISR - 15

Australia: “The relatively small Spartan is capable of accessing 1900 airfields in Australia, and 400 in the region - more than double the amount now accessible by the larger Hercules. The C-27J will strengthen the Australia Defence Force’s airlift capability by increasing our ability to move troops, equipment and supplies. The aircraft will complement the capabilities of the C-130J Hercules and C-17A Globemaster and will be able to carry medium-sized loads and access smaller runways that are not suited to other aircraft. This will allow Air Force to support humanitarian missions as well as...

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C-27J ISR - 16

Italy: “In theatre we need to minimize exposure to a possible threat during the take-off. To do this we exploit the extreme maneuverability of the airplane: a pilot of C-27J sees the aircraft as a 30-tons fighter! This allows us to enter and exit the drop zone in a very short time.” “On semi-prepared runways we exploit the characteristics of the landing gear, the engines, brakes and avionics, this enables us to plan approaches from any directions for maximum surprise and land in very limited space. The excellent positioning of the engine nacelles makes the airplane very resistant to damage...

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C-27J ISR - 17

Peru: “It’s a powerful and robust plane. It can take off from a short runway and can climb rapidly to the maximum cruise ceiling of 30,000 ft and while carrying heavy payload. C-27J is perfect for operation in mountainous regions of Peru” . © Fuerza Aérea del Perù Col. Alejandro Caceda, Peruvian Air Force December 2015 – Vanguard Canada

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C-27J ISR - 18

The robust airframe and upgradable avionics are complemented by a tailored and effective Integrated Logistic Support (ILS), through the 24H Leonardo Aircraft AOG (Aircraft On the Ground) center and optional logistic support package.

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