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Catalog excerpts

B220 - 1

QS-B220™ Desktop Explosives & Drugs Trace Detector Simultaneous detection of trace amounts of explosives and drugs in real time The QS-B220 combines the latest in ion mobility spectrometry (IMS) analysis technology with unmatched ease-of-use and an industry-leading low maintenance design. Defining the new standard in trace detection, the system performs simultaneous detection of a wide variety of explosives and drugs, and delivers results in seconds. Results are displayed on screen and can be printed on the integrated thermal printer or on an optional external printer. The QS-B220’s large high-resolution touch-screen, with more than 40% viewing area than other explosive trace detection (ETD) systems, makes operating the system simple. All functions are accessed through dynamic touch buttons that present screeners only the options necessary to get the job done. Authorized users can also access spectrogram analysis, administrative, and diagnostics tools. Built for better resolving power and faster clear-down, the QS-B220 delivers superior detection performance with low false alarm rates. The patented inCal™ automatic internal calibration system uses no consumables and does not require any action by the system operator, so screeners can focus on security. FOR MORE INFORMATION VISIT © Leidos. All rights reserved. The information in this document is proprietary to Leidos. It may not be used, reproduced, disclosed, or exported without the written approval of Leidos. 20-leidos-0420-21554 | 20-144565 | Leidos Creative i nCal automatic calibration I ntuitive touch-screen controls L ow false alarm rate R emote diagnostics No radioactive material is used in the QS-B220. There are no associated certification, licensing, inspection, testing, transportation, or decommissioning costs. S imultaneously detects explosives and drugs in seconds Operational costs are extremely low with the QS-B220. Common maintenance procedures are fully automated and can be activated by simply pushing a button on the system’s touch-screen menu system. Long life dopants and calibrants last for years without replacement. Routine service consists of cleaning using common supplies, and desiccant replacement as required.

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