Catalog excerpts

TCAS 3000SPTM Proven and Reliable Traffic Alert & Collision Avoidance Solution with ADS-B KEY FEATURES & BENEFITS > nly TCAS to offer certified O ADS-B In (TSO C195b) applications > atented amplitude monopulse P antenna with high bearing accuracy > uperior intruder tracking S performance to track up to 400 aircraft The TCAS 3000SP (Surveillance Processor) is based on ACSS’ industryleading TCAS II / TCAS 2000 proven product line with more than 15,000 units delivered. The TCAS 3000SP delivers enhancements in reliability and computing power to handle the most demanding applications, including the Change 7.1 enhancement. Pilots can see more than ever before using the TCAS 3000SP. It tracks up to 400 aircraft and incorporates Hybrid Surveillance using ADS-B In passive tracking to reduce 1090 MHz frequency congestion. Additionally, it uses the ACSS patented amplitude monopulse antenna with high bearing accuracy, the TCAS extended range is greater than 100nm. Additionally, software upgrades can add ADS-B In functionality providing enhanced traffic situational awareness and operational efficiency, especially during arrival and landing phase of flight. The TCAS 3000SP is completely backward compatible with the TCAS 2000, and provides appreciable operating cost savings through its reduced weight and power dissipation. Other features include an internal data recorder with external PC-based data analysis tool, maintenance aurals, and the ability to perform easy on-board software uploads using a built-in compact flash port. > xtended range-greater than E 100nm > asy operational software E upgrades via Compact Flash > ackward compatible with B TCAS 2000 > aintenance aurals for easy M installation and troubleshooting > hange 7.1 enhancement C included > Hybrid Surveillance enhancement > afeRoute+™ ADS-B In delivers: S - Greater safety margins - Reduced pilot workload - Better and faster reaction time - Improved flying efficiencie
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TCAS The TCAS is built on the technology and expertise that has made these products the industry standard in reliability and performance. The TCAS 3000SP continues the tradition of providing the highest bearing accuracy and range capability available. The surveillance algorithms provide outstanding aircraft tracking performance, and the Collision Avoidance Logic includes the most current safety upgrades (of Change 7.1). The TCAS 3000SP also implements ADS-B technology with A3 receiver sensitivity, enabling intruder aircraft tracking at ranges of 160 NM and the implementation of TCAS Hybrid...
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ENHANCED AIRBORNE TRAFFIC SITUATIONAL AWARENESS (AIRB) The baseline application for SafeRoute+ is Enhanced Airborne Traffic Situational Awareness or AIRB. When surveyed, 84 percent of pilots reported that ADS-B In enhances their situational awareness, and 15 percent identified traffic ground speed as the most useful piece of information. AIRB provides the flight identification, altitude, ground speed, vertical speed, track angle and wake category for aircraft up to 100 nautical miles away. This information creates an environment of shared situational awareness and aids the crew in visual...
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SPECIFICATIONS TCAS 3000SP™ TCAS 3000SP Requires forced air cooling per ARINC 600/404 C119e, C166b (ADS-B Receive), C195b (ADS-B In) Operating Altitude: Operating Temperature: Storage Temperature: Power Consumption: Supports OEM Maintenance Computer Interfaces Data Loading: ARINC 615A or Compact Flash TCAS 3000SP is available in 6- and 4-MCU sizes. Processor Unit: Surveillance Processor AT 910 TCAS Directional Antenna Various AP-950 Aircraft Personality Module (APM) TCAS 3000SP © 2020 L3Harris Technologies, Inc. | 08/2020 This document consists of basic marketing information that is not...
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