

Catalog excerpts

UGP100 - 1

I nber t ecUGP100i sdesi gnedspeci f i cal l yf orgr ound vehi cl edr i ver ssuchast ugoper at or s. Feat ur i ngaPTTbut t onont hesi deandt hespeakeront he f r ont ,i tcanwor kwi t hI nber t ecf ul l dupl exser i eswi r el ess gr oundsuppor theadset st or eal i zei nst antandef f ect i ve communi cat i on.TheUGP100i sequi ppedwi t hanal ar m f unct i on.I nemer genci es,pr esst heal ar m but t onont he wi r el essheadset ,t hespeakerofUGP100wi l lbeepan Speaker al ar mt or emi ndt heoper at or ,whi chef f ect i vel yr educest he saf et yi nci dent sandpr ot ect st hewor ki ngcr ews. Char gePor t (Typec) Al so,UGP100user scancommuni cat ewi t ht hepi l ot di r ect l ybypr essi ngt hePTTbut t onwhenUGA100i s ( I nber t ect r ascei ver )connect edt ot heai r cr af ti nt er f ace. Char gi ng:Redl i ghton TECHNI CALDATA Ful l yChar ged:Gr een l i ghton Channelandbat t er yl evel( whenpower edon) Upt o10peopl ecanmakef ul ldupl excal l satt hesame channel ,exceededcanonl yl i st ent o •Communi cat i onDi st ance

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All Inbertec catalogs and technical brochures

  1. UB810

    2 Pages

  2. UB800

    2 Pages

  3. UB710

    1 Pages

  4. UB600

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  5. UB210

    2 Pages

  6. UB200

    2 Pages

  7. UA5000G

    1 Pages

  8. NT-datasheet

    2 Pages

  9. CB110

    2 Pages

  10. C10

    2 Pages

  11. UB805/UB815

    4 Pages

  12. UA6000G

    1 Pages

  13. UA2000G

    1 Pages

  14. UGA100

    1 Pages

  15. UW6000

    1 Pages

  16. UW2000

    1 Pages

  17. UA5000G

    1 Pages

  18. UA1000G

    1 Pages