

Catalog excerpts

UGA100 - 1

I nber t ecWi r el essI nt er com Syst em i st heper f ectsol ut i on f orwi r el essi nt er com/ r adi ocommuni cat i onsi ndemandi ng envi r onment sandappl i cat i onsr equi r i ngr ugged,secur e andr el i abl ecommuni cat i onsi nhi ghnoi sear eas;i dealf or pushbackoper at i ons,wi ngwal ker s,mai nt enance mechani csordei ci ngoper at i ons. I nber t ecUGA100i sdesi gnedspeci f i cal l yf orseaml ess i nt egr at i onwi t hai r cr af ti nt er phonesyst ems. I tact sasar el ayf oral li nt er com audi obet weenI nber t ec f ul l dupl exwi r el essheadset / UGP100user sandt he i nt er phonesyst em f orpi l ott ogr oundcommuni cat i ons.I t has20channel sandsuppor t supt o10f ul l dupl excal l sat t hesamechannel .Onl y34hour st of ul l char gecan suppor tatl east10hour scont i nualwor k. TECHNI CALDATA Char gi ng:Redl i ghton Ful l yChar ged:Gr eenl i ghton Upt o10peopl ecanmakef ul ldupl excal l satt hesame channel ,exceededcanonl yl i st ent o •Communi cat i onDi st ance

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All Inbertec catalogs and technical brochures

  1. UB810

    2 Pages

  2. UB800

    2 Pages

  3. UB710

    1 Pages

  4. UB600

    2 Pages

  5. UB210

    2 Pages

  6. UB200

    2 Pages

  7. UA5000G

    1 Pages

  8. NT-datasheet

    2 Pages

  9. CB110

    2 Pages

  10. C10

    2 Pages

  11. UB805/UB815

    4 Pages

  12. UA6000G

    1 Pages

  13. UA2000G

    1 Pages

  14. UGP100

    1 Pages

  15. UW6000

    1 Pages

  16. UW2000

    1 Pages

  17. UA5000G

    1 Pages

  18. UA1000G

    1 Pages