Catalog excerpts

SMARTQ - QUEUE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM As greater numbers of passengers pass through airport terminals each day, queues become one of the main aggravations for passengers and staff alive. FUNCTIONALITY SmartQ enables airport management to acquire detailed real-time information on queue and dwell time along predefined routes, e.g., security line, passport control or terminal transfer, landside to airside, etc. Data collection is achieved by simply scanning the boarding pass through one of the SmartQ self-service kiosks or gates. As passengers scan their boarding passes, SmartQ logs the time of their arrival, validates their boarding pass and routes them to a certain lane. The database matches the time and location of each passenger in order to estimate and display accurate queuing times through the terminal. Queue times are combined to provide a complete picture of terminal operations, delivering detailed, real-time statistics on every journey and queue in the airport. At its core, SmartQ allows users to read or scan IATA standard boarding passes, including home-printed and mobile phones, to provide an auditable record of when a passenger's boarding pass was scanned.
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SAAARTQ - QUEUE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM REALTIME MONITOR AND REPORTS SmartQ contains an extensive reporting suite which allows a variety of reports to be generated. The reports cover areas such as: Queue Waiting Time statistics, Passenger Flow, Expected Passenger Flow (based on historical data), Exception Reports (passenger validation), Podium statistics and more. Number of Passengers in Queue C Estimated queuing time Reading of multiple boarding pass types (any IATA standard) Validation - rule-based alerts based on flight schedule / scan time. Auditable records of when a boarding pass was...
Open the catalog to page 2All ICTS Europe Systems Ltd catalogs and technical brochures
Eagle PRM Awareness
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Cargo Screening
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2 Pages
2 Pages