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Catalog excerpts

H9000 - 1

The H9000 Series Indicators are solid-state analog/digital gauges that measure the output of ANSI type K thermocouples or frequency from a tachometer generator or magnetic pick-up. Because temperature and speed are two of the most critical engine parameters used in monitoring mechanical integrity, prolonged engine life is dependent upon avoiding operation at these limits. Howell's H9000 Series Indicators accurately provide these imperative measurements. The H9000 Series Indicators supply is ±1 °C, ±0.1 %RPM, pointer accuracy is ±6 °C, ±0.6 %RPM of digital display. H9000 Series single purpose indicators have both analog pointers and digital displays for redundancy. Maximum response time is one and one-half seconds to stabilize within ±1 °C, ±0.1 %RPM at full-scale. 1 AUTOTEMP® and AUTOTAK® are registered trademarks of Howell Instruments, Inc. Howell Instruments, Inc. 8945 South Freeway Fort Worth, Texas 76140 www.howellinst.com 817-336-7411 Fax: 817-336-7874 info@howellinst.com

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H9000 - 2

H9000 Series AUTOTEMP®/AUTOTAK® Indicators Specifications Howell Instruments, Inc. • 8945 South Freeway • Fort Worth, Texas 76140 www.howellinst.com • 817-336-7411 • Fax: 817-336-7874 • info@howellinst.com Other application examples: Oil Temperature Oil Pressure Torque Fuel Flow Oil Quantity Engine Pressure Ratio (EPR) Fuel Quantity

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All Howell Instruments catalogs and technical brochures

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