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Catalog excerpts

H296B-60 - 1

PORTABLE ENGiNE TEST SETS & TRIMMERS Designed for the UH-60 Black Hawk helicopter, the H296B-60 is a flight line diagnostic tool for: • Auxiliary Power Unit (APU) • Electronic Sequencing Unit (ESU) • Digital Electronic Sequencing Unit (DESU) Housed in a portable, ruggedized container with cable storage, the H296B-60 features three available testing modes: • Dynamic Test • Static Test • Bench Test Accessories: • Dynamic Check Cable • Static Check Cable • Shorting Plug • APU Adapter Box/Cable (Optional) .^8945 South Freeway Fort Worth, Texas 76140 www.howellinst.com 817-336-7411 Fax: 817-336-7874 info@howellinst.com

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H296B-60 - 2

Portable engine test sets & trimmers Simulates APU signals and sequences to verify proper ESU/ DESU operation. Monitors the signals between the APU, ESU/DESU and Cockpit Advisory Panel to verify operational signals and sequences. Simulates APU signals and sequences in back shop environment to verify proper ESU/DESU operation. Howell Instruments, Inc. • 8945 South Freeway • Fort Worth, Texas 76140 www.howellinst.com • 817-336-7411 • Fax: 817-336-7874 • info@howellinst.com ©2009 Howell Instruments, Inc. P

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All Howell Instruments catalogs and technical brochures

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