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INTUVUE RDR-7000 WEATHER RADAR SYSTEM For Rotary-wing Applications PROVEN RADAR TECHNOLOGY The IntuVue series was the first radar certified to the FAA Enhanced Turbulence Minimum Operating Performance Standards (MOPS) IMPROVES SAFETY Advanced, forward-looking weather detection and avoidance capability shows all weather hazards, all the time • Detects hazards along flight path • Predictive wind shear detection and alerting • Improved contingency decision making with off-path weather detection In weather avoidance decisionmaking ability to detect and re-route around storms sooner • Enhances decision making • Reduces delays, turn backs and diversions • Enhanced weather related situational awareness during critical inflight emergencies MORE COMPLETE VIEW OF WEATHER Radar automatically and continuously scans the airspace up to +/- 60 degrees • Volumetric 3-D scanning • Pulse compression technologies • Extended turbulence detection to 60nm • Predictive lightning • Predictive hail TURBULENCE AVOIDANCE Based on in-service data for the IntuVue Series; Compared to aircraft equipped with conventional radars • Precise turbulence locator • Improves safety by expanding situational awareness time • Hazardous weather alerting • More effective routing and re-routing decisions REDUCED AIRCREW WORKLOAD Automated weather detection displays significant weather without requiring manual tilt adjustment • Greatly reduces aircrew workload • Improves safety by expanding situational awareness time • Hazardous weather alerting • Advanced mission specific software modes such as Maritime Mode and High Fidelity Ground Map VALUE 7500+ HOURS MEAN TIME BETWEEN FAILURE System uses direct drive, DC brushless mechanical drive with coaxial rotary joints, and a solid-state transmitter design to improve operational uptime >50% WEIGHT REDUCTION OVER MAGNETRON RADARS Lower system–installed weight provides more favorable CG loading REDUCED MAINTENANCE COSTS 80% improved mean time between unscheduled removal (MTBUR) • Reduces operational expenses • Minimizes spares • Decreases operational delays NEAR DROPIN READY REPLACEMENT Installation kit permits near plug and play capab

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