Catalog excerpts

23 Series 50 HP Air Cooled 2-Stroke World standard power-to-weight ratio Fit to take on any challenge in light aviation Ideally suited for light and ultralight aviation. The 23 Series is an air cooled two-stroke engine that makes an excellent choice for light aviation devices weighing up to 120kg. Sets world-class standards in its power-to-weight ratio for the 50-horsepower market achieving performance and reliability unmatched in the industry. This engine series o er a time between overhauls of 1000 hours and is fit to take on any challenge in the future. www.hirthengines.com
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Two cylinder two stroke (inline) GENERATOR POWER: STARTING DEVICE: Recoil starter Counter-clockwise, view to output shaft IGNITION SYSTEM: Slide carburetor (Mikuni) (AS) FUEL MIXTURE: Mixture 1:50, 2-stroke-oil, fuel min. 95 octane (RON) Mixture 1:80-100 with BLUEMAX 2-stroke-oil, fuel min. 95 octane Dual ignition Polyflex belt reduction G23 (1:1,8 / 1:2,0 / 1:2,5 / 1:3,1) Electric starter Exhaust system (acc. to Hirth Technical Info) This is not a certificated aircraft engine ! It has not received the safety and durability testings specified by aircraft standards. It is only for use in...
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