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Catalog excerpts

Aerospace - 1

Aerospace Selector Guide HexPly® Prepregs HexFlow® Resins HexForce® Reinforcements

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Aerospace - 2

Hexcel in Aerospace Hexcel is a world leader in the manufacture of advanced composite materials for the Commercial Aerospace, Helicopters, Space and Defense markets. From carbon fibers and reinforcement fabrics, through to RTM resins, prepregs, tooling materials and structural parts, Hexcel is present at every stage. Our fiber reinforced composite materials are complemented by our honeycomb technologies which extend from lightweight core materials to aircraft flooring panels, engineered core and Acousti-Cap® noise dampening systems. Hexcel is the only composites supplier that supplies this...

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Aerospace - 3

Civil Aircraft Hexcel is the preferred supplier of composite materials to the civil aerospace industry, with materials present in virtually every commercial aircraft currently built in the western world. Primary Structures Secondary Structures The drawings are generic, to allow the maximum number of potential applications to be identified. The drawings are not intended to represent a specific aircraft. These generic drawings illustrate typical applications for HexForce® fabrics, HexPly® prepregs and HexFlow® Liquid Resins. For information on the full range of Hexcel products for aerospace...

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Aerospace - 4

Aero-engines By the 1970’s designers had turned to composites for the weight-savings necessary for the large nacelles required by the new generation of large high power turbofans. Today, engine nacelles and thrust reversers include so many major composite components that carbon fiber epoxy prepregs account for typically half the volume of the entire nacelle structure. The next step for aero-engine designers has been to apply composites technology to more complex structures within the engine itself. Defense Aircraft In their quest for superior performance, defense aircraft designers were the...

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Aerospace - 5

HexPly® Prepregs • Epoxies • Phenolics • BMI • Cyanates ¥¥Epoxies ¥¥BMI Finish For E and S-2 Glass Fabrics • Powdering

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Aerospace - 9

HexForce® product data

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Aerospace - 10

• Carbon - Glass Hybrid Fabrics DP: Heat treated - Preformed (on request)

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Aerospace - 11

HexForce® product data

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Aerospace - 12

Powdering: all fabrics can be epoxy powdered on 1 or 2 sides in order to facilitate preforming and dimensional stabilization

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Aerospace - 16

Hexcel Product Family HexTow® Carbon Fiber HexFlow® Resins HexMC®-i Molding Composite HexForce® Reinforcements Polyspeed® Laminates & Pultruded Rofiles HexWeb® Honeycomb Core HiTape® Advanced Reinforcements Modipur® Polyurethane HexWeb® Engineered Core HexPly® Prepregs Redux® & HexBond™ Adhesives HexTool® Tooling Material HiMax™ Multiaxial Reinforcements For more information Hexcel is a leading worldwide supplier of composite materials to aerospace and industrial markets. Our comprehensive range includes: ¥¥ HexTow® carbon fibers ® ¥¥ HexForce reinforcements ¥¥ HiMax™ multiaxial...

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All HEXCEL catalogs and technical brochures

  1. HexPly® M79

    6 Pages

  2. HexPly® M78

    4 Pages

  3. HiTape

    4 Pages

  4. Rail

    5 Pages

  5. wintersports

    6 Pages

  6. Industrial

    16 Pages

  7. HiTape®

    4 Pages