Catalog excerpts
Machine Readable Zone MRZ Technologies TYPES OF MRZ READERS YOU CAN HAVE IN YOUR GRABBA X040 – MRZ Reader Grabba MRZ reader reads the Machine Readable Zone (MRZ) in Machine Readable Passports (MRP), Visas (MRV) and OCRB encoded cards such as the US Resident Alien card and Worldwide Na onal ID cards. In addi on, APACS debit and credit documents can be read (APACS standards 3.1and 3.2, respec vely), together with E13B, OCRB and mixed E13B and OCRB fonts. The Grabba MRZ scanner is an Op cal Character Recogni on (OCR) swipe reader that is able to decode the informa on contained in the MRZ area and supports: Hardware and So ware for Basic Access Control (BAC) which is a mechanism that ensures only authorized par es can wirelessly read personal informa on from passports with an RFID chip. Hardware for Extended Access Control (EAC), which is a set of advanced security features for electronic passports that protects and restricts access to sensi ve personal data contained in the RFID chip ABOUT OUR MRZ TECHNOLOGY Grabba MRZ reader is fast, accurate mobile, lightweight and easy to use. It is commonly combined, in the one Grabba unit, with the High Frequency Mifare RFID reader which takes the code read by the MRZ reader and accesses the embedded chip in an ICAO compliant e-Passport, thereby providing complete verifica on. From the top-le : Grabba Z-Series in use with Samsung Galaxy S5, Grabba S-Series in use with iPhone 6 and Grabba S-Series with Samsung Galaxy S5. Grabba S-Series Grabba Z-Series Airlines, Airports and Law Enforcement also u lize a Grabba unit that contains the MRZ reader and RFID reader combined with the Grabba area imaging barcode scanner with driver’s license enhancement to read, decrypt where necessary, and parse every driver’s license in the US and Canada. Adding a fingerprint reader to the above combina on provides a complete, mobile, handheld ID checking system that is now used in Border Protec on and Law Enforcement in the US and several other countries. The Grabba innova ve and configurable design allows the user to select not only the MRZ reader, but also up to five other technologies to include in the one Grabba unit, so as to precisely and cost-effec vely meet the needs of the use case. Another advantage of the unique Grabba design is that it allows Grabba units to be simply upgraded to work with later model smartphones and to add other technologies without the need to purchase new Grabba units. This substan ally reduces the Total Cost of Ownership of Grabba u
Open the catalog to page 1Performance Specifications Secure USB Connection As the Grabba unit plugs into the USB port of the smartphone or tablet, all communication and data transfer are hard-wired and therefore more secure than wireless transmissions. One solution, One charger. The Grabba connection to the smartphone or tablet allows the Grabba charger to charge both the Grabba unit and the attached device at the same time. This single-charger convenience ensures that a completely charged solution is ready at the start of each work day. Technical Support The Grabba engineering and support teams are...
Open the catalog to page 2All Grabba catalogs and technical brochures
Barcode Technologies
2 Pages
Fingerprint Technologies
2 Pages
Magnetic Stripe Technologies
2 Pages
Contact Smartcard
2 Pages
Contact Smartcard Series
2 Pages
UHF RFID Reader Series
2 Pages
Low Frequency RFID Series
2 Pages
HF RFID Reader Serie
2 Pages
Barcode Scanner Series
2 Pages